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Friday, December 07, 2012

New York as National Law School Regulator: The Two-Year Proposal

Earlier this week Dan Filler described how New York imposes more onerous requirements on law schools than do the national ABA standards.  However, a proposal is on the table that would significantly reduce New York's requirements for sitting for the bar.  The proposal, by NYU law professor Sam Estreicher, provides that:

the New York Court of Appeals amend Rule 520.3 of its Rules for Admission of Attorneys and Counselors at Law to allow a student to sit for the bar examination after successful completion of 60 credit hours at an accredited law school. As the proposal currently stands, no apprenticeship would be required. It is contemplated, however, that a student wishing to pursue this two-year option would be required to take a prescribed set of courses and could receive some form of certificate of completion. Law schools would be free to insist on a three-year curriculum before awarding their degrees.

Estreicher has a paper in support of his proposal here.  A public meeting about the two-year option will be hosted by NYU's Institute for Judicial Administration on January 18, 2013, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman and Associate Judge Victoria A. Graffeo of the New York Court of Appeals, as well as one or more representatives of the New York State Board of Law Examiners, are expected to attend the meeting.  To RSVP or request further information, you can contact [email protected].

Posted by Matt Bodie on December 7, 2012 at 11:55 AM in Life of Law Schools | Permalink


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