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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hiring Committees 2012-2013

Note: Bumped to the top, 8/25/12; we will continue to bump this post periodically.

Aaaand, we're off! Please share in the comments the following information related to the 2012-2013 law school faculty hiring season:

(a) your school;
(b) the chair of your hiring committee (please note if you have different chairs for entry level and lateral candidates--we hope that this information will be useful for both entry level and lateral candidates);
(c) other members of your hiring committee (again, please note if there is a distinction between entry level and lateral committees); and
(d) any particular subject areas in which your school is looking to hire. 

I will gather this information in a downloadable, sortable spreadsheet. (Click on that link to access the spreadsheet and download it; you can also scroll through the embedded version below.)

You can't make changes to the spreadsheet directly, so please post the information in the comments, or email me directly, slawsky *at* law *dot* uci *dot* edu.

Additionally, last year someone very kindly submitted a spreadsheet of addresses of a subset of law schools, if folks want to create their own mail-merge. You can download it here. (If anyone wants to update or expand it and send me a new version, that would be awesome.)

Update, 7/15/12: At the suggestion of a candidate, I will also collect the number of available faculty positions at each school, if people have this information and want to share it. I will add the information in the "Other" column for the time being, but if I get the information from enough schools I'll start a separate column.

Posted by Sarah Lawsky on August 25, 2012 at 09:56 AM in Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market | Permalink


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I am looking for information regarding Florida A&M hiring chair and committee members.

Posted by: anotheranon | Oct 9, 2012 5:47:06 PM

Thanks for the Hofstra info!

Posted by: FARout | Oct 9, 2012 5:03:13 PM

For those looking for information about Hofstra's committee this year: http://law.hofstra.edu/_site_support/files/pdf/facultyandstaff/facultycommitteeassignments.pdf

Posted by: anon | Oct 9, 2012 2:49:42 PM

Whittier Law School (in Costa Mesa, California) will interview entry-level candidates for several tenure-track positions at the AALS meeting. The committee members are Calvin Peeler (chair), Dean Penelope Bryan, Thomas Kelch, Patricia Leary, Julie Manasfi, and Jennifer Mertus.
We seek outstanding candidates in all areas, with a particular interest in those who specialize in criminal law, business law, intellectual property, international law, environmental law, family law, and practice skills. Whittier Law School is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a strong commitment to diversity among its faculty.

Posted by: Calvin Peeler | Aug 31, 2012 4:22:56 PM

Vermont Law School invites applications for the position of Associate Dean for Environmental Programs, a faculty position. The Associate Dean sets the strategic direction for, and oversees the administration of, the Environmental Law Center (ELC), which houses the largest and deepest environmental law program in the country. Candidates with appointments at other law schools, those who are currently in practice or doing significant policy work, and those who currently hold executive positions at NGOs or in business are all encouraged to apply. Detailed position description here: http://www.vermontlaw.edu/About_VLS/Employment_at_VLS/Associate_Dean_for_Environmental_Programs.htm

Faculty at Vermont Law School take seriously our mission to educate lawyers for the community and the world, and believe that our scholarship, teaching, and service should be meaningful and relevant to the local, national, and international communities. We embody the spirit of Vermont -- independence and diversity in people and in politics. We have the good fortune to be located in a state and region that offer numerous opportunities for engaged participation in civic life as well as a lifestyle found at few other law schools.

Vermont Law School embraces diversity in its recruitment and hiring efforts. Accordingly, candidates of color, women, and those from other underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply for this position. Applicants should provide a cover letter and resume by October 1, 2012. Electronic applications are preferred and should be e-mailed to: [email protected].

Appointments Committee: Pat Parenteau (Chair), John Echeverria, Stephanie Farrior, Cheryl Hanna, Michael Dworkin, Mark Latham, Rebecca Purdom, Stephen Dycus.

Posted by: Stephanie Farrior | Aug 29, 2012 10:53:29 AM

The University of Richmond School of Law seeks to fill a number of slots this year. First, we are seeking to fill the E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Chair in Law. The Robins Chair recognizes a faculty member who has achieved exceptional stature in his or her field, and is not limited by subject matter. Candidates should have a superb record of scholarship and teaching, as well as a demonstrated commitment to institutional and/or public service. Second, we may fill up to two tenure-track positions, at least one of which may be in the area of wills and trusts or corporate/transactional law. Other possible areas of interest include administrative law, professional responsibility, and antitrust law. Entry level candidates should have outstanding academic credentials and show superb promise for top-notch scholarship. Lateral candidates should have a superb record of scholarship and teaching. Finally, we seek a full-time clinical faculty member to develop, run, and teach a clinic that would provide non-litigation legal services to small businesses, entrepreneurs, non-profits, authors, and artists on business transactions and intellectual property issues. The Clinical Professor will play a major role in determining the clinic's specific emphasis and operation. This is a non-tenure track, renewable contract position.

Applications and inquiries may be directed to Professor Corinna Lain, Chair of Faculty Appointments, at [email protected] for the chair and tenure-track positions and Professor Chris Cotropia, at [email protected], for the clinical position.

Posted by: Jessica Erickson | Aug 27, 2012 6:34:22 PM

(a) University of Chicago Law School;
(b) Entry Level Appointments Chair: Richard McAdams. Lateral Appointments Chair: Lee Fennell;
(c) Jonathan Masur, Eric Posner, Geoffrey Stone, Laura Weinrib.

Posted by: Richard McAdams | Aug 24, 2012 4:23:58 PM

This year's appointments committee at Kentucky consists of Steve Clowney (chair), Jennifer Bird-Pollan, Biff Campbell, Jim Donovan, Melynda Price, and Kathy Moore. We haven't formally identified our specific hiring goals for this year, but have recognized needs in Criminal Law and Tax.

Posted by: Steve Clowney | Aug 23, 2012 1:26:01 PM

I am Chair of Appointments at the University of Florida Levin College of Law this academic year (2012-13), but we have no current plans to hire new faculty members. My fellow committee members are Kenneth Nunn, Michael Wolf, Sharon Rush (ex oficio--as Associate Dean for Faculty Development), and Michael Friel.

Posted by: Lyrissa | Aug 23, 2012 10:33:01 AM

An important addendum regarding the University of San Diego School of Law that I should have included in my original post:

The University is an equal opportunity educational institution and employer. All student and employment-related programs, services and decisions will be administered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy, age, physical disability, mental disability, or other characteristic protected by federal or state law. For more information, please see the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy and Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment at www.sandiego.edu/legal/policies.

Posted by: Jordan Barry | Aug 21, 2012 3:54:33 PM

This year's Cardozo appointments committee (entry and lateral) consists of Michael Herz (chair), Mitchell Engler, Jessica Roth, Alex Stein, and Ekow Yankah.

Posted by: Michael Herz | Aug 20, 2012 10:28:51 PM

American University Washington College of Law has a unitary Appointments Committee for 2012-13, chaired by David Hunter, along with Susan Carle, Heather Hughes, Amanda Frost, Jayesh Rathod, and me.... We haven't formally identified our specific hiring needs for this year, but we'll post that information once we have it.

Posted by: Steve Vladeck | Aug 20, 2012 4:43:34 PM

In addition to our previously listed needs, Texas Tech School of Law is also seeking exceptional candidates interested in Water Rights Law. Texas Tech is an affirmative action/Equal Opportunity Employer. We strongly encourage applications from women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans, and we consider the needs of dual-career couples. Please send your cover letter, resume, and contact information for three professional references to Professor John L. Watts, Chair, Personnel Committee, Texas Tech University School of Law, 1802 Hartford Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-0004, or [email protected]. Resume review will begin in mid-August 2012.

Posted by: John Watts | Aug 19, 2012 3:41:24 PM

For the University of Georgia, the faculty recruitment committee consists of: Randy Beck (chair), Peter Appel, Dan Coenen, Andrea Dennis, Erica Hashimoto, Tim Meyer, Peter (Bo) Rutledge, and Sonja West. Areas that might be of particular interest include Criminal Law/Procedure, Tax, IP/Law & Technology, Corporate Finance, Environmental, Education, Immigration, Economic Analysis of Law and Jurisprudence. This is a unified committee for both entry-level and lateral hires.

Posted by: Peter Appel | Aug 18, 2012 1:13:28 PM

Unfortunately, I am not permitted to share or analyze any data from the FAR forms. This is from the AALS website: "FAR information or data may not be used for research, converted into any data base or shared with any person not directly involved in the school's faculty recruitment process."

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Aug 17, 2012 12:34:38 PM


Now that the first distribution is out, can you post some basic descriptive statistics about the distribution (assuming that AALS rules allow this)? I don't know if this can easily be done, but, it would be interesting to know e.g., number of candidates (perhaps by gender, as well; and, if you have them, the numbers for the last few years), number of candidates listing what teaching areas in their first line, and maybe the number of different combinations of subjects on the first line, and number of candidates from which schools. All of that could probably be done with some electronic searching & counting. It would, of course, also be interesting to know numbers of candidates by JD year, with VAPs, Fellowships, SCOTUS, Appellate, and District clerkships, and how many publications different candidates have -- but that would all require substantial coding efforts.

Of course, just knowing the number of folks in the pool would be swell!

Posted by: DataHungry | Aug 17, 2012 12:17:23 PM

Thomas Jefferson School of Law invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions to begin in the 2013-14 academic year. Entry-level and experienced applicants in all subject areas are welcome. The chair of the appointments committee is Anders Kaye. The other members of the committee are Dean Rudy Hasl and Professors K.J. Greene, Alex Kreit, and Rebecca Lee. Applicants should e-mail a cover letter, resume, and other application materials to Anders Kaye at [email protected]. Please put “tenure-track,” followed by your name, in the subject line.

Posted by: Anders Kaye | Aug 16, 2012 10:09:51 PM

University of Houston Law Center

Entry-level hiring committee: Aaron Bruhl (chair), Jessica Roberts, Joseph Sanders, Sandra Guerra Thompson.

Lateral hiring committee: Greg Vetter (chair), Darren Bush, Jacqueline Lipton, Michael Olivas, Ronald Turner.

We are looking for candidates in a variety of curricular areas.

Official announcement available here: http://www.uh.edu/provost/fac/faculty-openings/law48/index.php

Posted by: Aaron Bruhl | Aug 16, 2012 5:02:50 PM

The University of South Carolina School of Law invites applications for entry-level, tenure-track faculty to begin in the fall of 2013. The entry-level chair is Joseph Seiner, and other committee members are Eboni Nelson, Derek Black, Marcia Zug, Ben Means, Jaclyn Cherry, Jim Burkhard and Libba Patterson. Qualifications for these positions include a record of excellence in academia or in practice, the potential to be an outstanding teacher, and demonstrable scholarly promise. The School of Law is especially interested in candidates who could teach in the areas of clinical legal education, environmental law, or taxation. We are also especially interested in candidates who could teach criminal law and have expertise in its international aspects.

We also invite applications for tenured faculty at the rank of either associate or full professor to begin in the fall of 2013. The lateral committee chair is Thomas Crocker and other committee members are Derek Black and Danielle Holley-Walker. Qualifications for these positions include significant scholarly achievement and a record of excellence in teaching. The School of Law is particularly interested in candidates in the areas of professional responsibility and taxation.

Interested persons should send a resume, references, and subject area preferences to Prof. Joseph Seiner, Chair, Faculty Selection Committee, c/o Kim Fanning, University of South Carolina School of Law, 701 S. Main St., Columbia, SC 29208 or, by email, to [email protected] (electronic submissions preferred). The University of South Carolina is committed to a diverse faculty, staff, and student body. We encourage applications from women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and others whose background, experience, and viewpoints contribute to the diversity of our institution.

The University of South Carolina is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Posted by: Joe Seiner | Aug 16, 2012 4:02:52 PM

@Curious | Aug 15, 2012 11:13:51 AM: Carolyn Jones, the head of the Iowa hiring committee, writes, "Because we were able to hire eight new colleagues in the last two years, we are not filling any permanent faculty positions this year."

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Aug 15, 2012 11:34:04 AM

I'm confused by the Iowa entry and the "0 slots for permanent hires." Does that mean that they're not hiring this year, or that they are hiring, but not for entry-level TT positions? And if the former, why have a hiring committee, and if the latter, what precisely are they hiring for?

Posted by: Curious | Aug 15, 2012 11:13:51 AM

New York Law School
Faculty Appointments Chair for 2012-13 - Arthur S. Leonard
Faculty Appointments Committee for 2012-13 - Deborah Archer, Tamara Belinfanti, Richard Chused, Gerald Korngold, Houman Shadab, Ann Thomas, Dean Anthony Crowell (ex-officio)
We hope to hire some entry-level tenure-track teachers this year, with subject matter emphasis on Commercial Law (ideally somebody with both domestic and international commercial teaching interests), Evidence, Intellectual Property. We also have an unfilled Chair in International Law. We have a strong interest in diversifying the faculty as well. The Committee is responsible for both entry-level and lateral hiring. Our focus this year is more on entry-level, apart from the Chair, of course.

Posted by: Art Leonard | Aug 14, 2012 5:12:02 PM

(a) Pepperdine University
(b) Shelley R. Saxer chair of the faculty appointments committee.
Barry P. McDonald vice chair for entry level appointments.
Robert J. Pushaw vice chair for lateral appointments.
(c) Robert Anderson, Naomi Goodno, Thomas Stipanowich, Maureen Weston
(d) Intellectual Property, Entertainment/Media Law, International Law, Environmental Law, Criminal Law, Land Finance/Real Property Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution.


Pepperdine University School of Law is seeking to fill one or more tenure-track positions on our faculty, as well as a position for an experienced clinician. Shelley R. Saxer ([email protected]) is the chair of the faculty appointments committee. The entry-level subcommittee includes Barry P. McDonald (vice-chair) ([email protected]), Robert Anderson IV, and Naomi Goodno. The lateral subcommittee includes Robert J. Pushaw (vice-chair) ([email protected]), Thomas J. Stipanowich, and Maureen Arellano Weston. Applicants from all subject areas are welcome. Some of the teaching subjects of special interest to us this year include Intellectual Property, Entertainment/Media Law, International Law, Environmental Law, Criminal Law, Land Finance/Real Property Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Posted by: Greg McNeal | Aug 10, 2012 3:28:24 PM

The University of New Hampshire School of Law has a unified committee. The chair is Kimberly Kirkland. The other committee members are Calvin Massey and John Greabe. We anticipate filling 2-3 vacancies. We are looking in particular for a tax professor and a director for our student externship program, but welcome applications from outstanding applicants in all areas. We also welcome both entry-level and lateral applications. We have established the following email address to which applications should be sent: [email protected].

Posted by: John Greabe | Aug 9, 2012 5:39:49 PM

THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, SCHOOL OF LAW invites applications for full-time faculty positions beginning Fall 2013. The school anticipates particular needs in Energy, Ocean/Coastal Law, Property, and Tax, but all subject matter areas will be considered. Beginning and experienced teachers may apply. An applicant must have a distinguished academic record and a record of, or the promise of, achievement as a teacher and scholar. Depending on qualifications and experience, an applicant may be considered for tenure-track or tenured appointment.
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications must be made electronically at http://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/6664. Click on this direct link URL from any browser to apply for this position. Be prepared to electronically submit your letter of application, curriculum vitae, and contact information for 4 references. Confidential inquiries are welcome. Such inquiries, as well as questions about the online application system, may be made to Ms. Alice Girod, Faculty Appointments Committee Assistant –by phone: 919-962-0357 or –by email: [email protected]. For more information about the UNC-CH School of Law, please visit our website: www.law.unc.edu

Richard Saver, Appointments Committee chair. Other committee members include Al Brophy, John Coyle, Charles Daye, Max Eichner, Victor Flatt, and Lolly Gasaway. We have a unified committee.

In addition, we are conducting a separate search for a Civil Rights Professor and Director of Center for Civil Rights:
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Law invites applications for a full-time faculty position, with administrative responsibilities, beginning Fall 2013 in the field of civil rights, racial discrimination, social justice, or a related field. The school seeks a candidate with a distinguished record and career who will eventually qualify for receipt of the Julius L. Chambers Distinguished Professorship of Law. The administrative responsibilities will include serving as Director of the UNC Center for Civil Rights, which is an entity of the School of Law. The Center’s focus at present is to achieve for lower-income and non-white communities educational equity, inclusive community and economic development, and democratic participation through voting rights. The Center engages in public policy education, public advocacy, multi-disciplinary research, and litigation. Highly desirable talents and skills include (1) an outstanding record of scholarship and teaching in one or more fields of the Center’s focus, (2) experience in complex civil rights matters and advocacy, (3) capacity to advise a small, talented, dedicated legal staff and oversee its managing attorney; (4) prior strategic collaboration with civil rights advocates, social scientists and other social justice organizations, and (5) experience in non-profit fundraising. Applicants must have passed a bar examination in the United States.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Formal applications must be made electronically at http://unc.peopleadmin/com/postings/6728. Click on this direct link URL from any browser to apply for this position. Be prepared to electronically submit your letter of application, curriculum vitae, and contact information for 4 references. Confidential inquiries are welcome. Such inquiries, questions about the online application system, and other informal statements of interest may be made to Ms. Alice Girod, Faculty Appointments Committee Assistant – by phone: 919-962-0357 or –by email: [email protected]. For more information about the UNC-CH School of Law, please visit our website: www.law.unc.edu and about the Center for Civil Rights: http://www.law.unc.edu/centers/civilrights/default.aspx

Posted by: Richard Saver | Aug 8, 2012 3:22:07 PM

Christopher Buccafusco (co-chair)
Sarah Harding (co-chair)

William Birdthistle
Sungjoon Cho (fall)
Steve Heyman
Chris Schmidt
Stephanie Stern (spring)

Combined lateral and entry level

Posted by: Chris Buccafusco | Aug 7, 2012 5:47:57 PM

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT DAVIS SCHOOL OF LAW invites applications from entry-level and experienced candidates for tenure-track and tenured positions to commence in Fall 2013. Our hiring needs are flexible. We seek applications from candidates with scholarly distinction or promise and a commitment to excellence in teaching. The positions will remain open until filled, but candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible in order to receive maximum consideration. The committee will attend the Faculty Recruitment Conference; candidates with a particular interest in Davis are encouraged to contact us directly. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity Employer and has a strong commitment to diversity among its faculty. Contact: Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Professor Jack Chin, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee. Contact address: [email protected]. Inquires about possible visiting positions should be submitted separately to Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Vikram Amar, at [email protected].

We may be hiring for up to 4 positions. While our curricular needs are variable, my sense is that there is interest in Civil Procedure, Tax, and Environmental Law. We have a unified committee, will consider laterals and entry levels. The committee members are: Afra Afsharipour, Jack Chin (Chair), Chris Elmendorf, Elizabeth Joh, and Dennis Ventry.

Posted by: Jack Chin | Aug 7, 2012 4:35:48 PM

THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE COLLEGE OF LAW invites applications from both entry-level and lateral candidates for up to three full-time, tenure-track faculty positions to commence in the Fall Semester 2013. The College is particularly interested in the subject areas of legal writing, commercial law, and advocacy skills (pretrial litigation, trial practice, etc.). Other areas of interest include civil procedure, torts, evidence, and academic support, but we welcome applications from outstanding candidates in all subject areas. The members of the committee are Michael Higdon, Becky Jacobs, Michelle Kwon, Alex Long, and Paula Williams. Applicants who are not registered in the AALS Faculty Appointments Register are advised to send a letter of intent, resume, and the names and contact information of three references by September 30, 2012 to:

Cindy Farabow,
on behalf of Becky Jacobs and Alex Long, Co-Chairs, Faculty Appointments Committee
The University of Tennessee College of Law
1505 W. Cumberland Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996-1810

Posted by: Alex Long | Aug 7, 2012 10:35:31 AM

The University of Mississippi School of Law invites applications from entry-level and lateral candidates for at least two tenure-track faculty positions beginning August 2013. Our primary curricular needs are in Intellectual Property, International Law, Employment Law, Labor Law, Real Estate, and Commercial/Transactional Law, but we welcome applications from outstanding candidates in all curricular areas. We may also have a need for visiting professors. All applicants should have a distinguished academic background, and either great promise or a record of excellence in both scholarship and teaching.

Located among the rolling hills Northern Mississippi, the University of Mississippi’s main campus is centered in Oxford, Miss., about 70 miles south of Memphis, Tenn. Oxford has been listed among the 20 Best Small Towns in America by Smithsonian Magazine, and the University of Mississippi was chosen as the most beautiful college campus for 2011 by Newsweek magazine.

The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer.

Entry-Level Candidates Contact: Professor David W. Case,
Co-Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee,
University of Mississippi School of Law
481 Coliseum Dr.
University, MS 38677

Laterals and Visitors Contact: Professor Donna Davis
Co-Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee,
University of Mississippi School of Law
481 Coliseum Dr.
University, MS 38677

Please apply online at:


Posted by: Richard Gershon | Aug 7, 2012 10:23:34 AM

Clinical Position (Immigration). The University of Pittsburgh School of Law also invites applications for the position of Clinical Assistant Professor of Law/Director of the Law School’s Immigration Law Clinic. This full-time position is not in the tenure stream, and is part of a system of contracts progressing to renewable long-term contracts. The position will begin on July 1, 2013. The Clinic’s primary mission is to serve the educational needs of our students and to provide legal services to individuals involved in asylum cases or in removal proceedings before the Immigration Court. Duties of the Director and Clinical Professor include classroom teaching, supervision of second- and third-year law students as they represent clients and participate in community projects; community outreach and fundraising; and administrative duties relating to the Immigration Law Clinic. The Director may also be expected to assume responsibilities involving the oversight of immigration-related legal services provided by pro bono attorneys and by the legal staff of Jewish Children and Family Services of Pittsburgh. These responsibilities, which will not exceed eight hours per week, may be separately contracted for and compensated by Vibrant Pittsburgh or other funders. Qualifications include admission to practice in Pennsylvania or willingness to seek admission to the Pennsylvania bar; experience in the field of immigration law (specifically, asylum and removal cases), and, preferably, clinical pedagogy; and the ability to work effectively with students, clients and other constituents.

Contact: Professor Martha Mannix, Chair, Clinical Appointments Committee, University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Email: [email protected]. The deadline for applications for the clinical position is September 14, 2012.

The University of Pittsburgh is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, marital status, sex, disability, age, gender identity or sexual orientation in its hiring. In furtherance of our strong institutional commitment to a diverse faculty, we particularly welcome applications from minorities, women, and others who would add diversity to our faculty. Recruitment is subject to approval by the University's Provost.

Posted by: Pitt Law | Aug 6, 2012 12:00:46 PM

Tenure Stream Position(s). The University of Pittsburgh School of Law invites applications from entry-level or junior untenured faculty for one to two tenure-stream positions beginning in the 2013-2014 academic year. The appointment(s) is expected to be at the rank of assistant professor, but appointment at the rank of associate professor may be possible for a candidate who has achieved that rank at another institution. This recruitment seeks to fill particular curricular needs in Bankruptcy, Corporate Law, Energy Law, Patents, and Property. However, serious consideration will also be given to strong candidates who teach in related areas.

Contact: Haider Ala Hamoudi, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, 3900 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Email: [email protected]. Email submissions are preferred. Other members of the committee are Tom Ross, Jasmine Gonzales Rose, Stella Smektanka, and George Pike

Posted by: George Pike | Aug 6, 2012 9:02:39 AM

Northern Illinois University College of Law seeks applicants for a full-time tenure-track position. We will be considering a broad range of teaching and scholarly interests. The College of Law is distinguished by the diversity of its faculty, and applicants who would add to its diversity are particularly encouraged to apply. NIU is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex religion, age physical and mental disability, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, political affiliation, or any other factor unrelated to professional qualifications, and will comply with all applicable federal and state statues, regulations and orders pertaining to nondiscrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action. The committee chair is Marc Falkoff, and the other members of the committee are Daniel Reynolds, Jennifer Rosato, Daniel Schneider and Amy Widman.

Posted by: Marc Falkoff | Aug 5, 2012 6:21:38 PM


Posted by: FAR2Stressed | Aug 3, 2012 8:50:47 AM

The University of San Diego has a unified committee chaired by Don Dripps. The other members are Larry Alexander, Jordan Barry, Orly Lobel, Miranda McGowan, Ted Sichelman, and Mary Jo Wiggins.

USD will actively pursue new hires in 2012-2013. We encourage applications from both established scholars who have achieved major reputations for excellence in any area of legal scholarship, and from junior scholars who are on track to do likewise. All queries will be kept in confidence absent the candidate’s consent.

Posted by: Jordan Barry | Aug 1, 2012 5:06:10 PM

The University of Cincinnati College of Law invites applications from entry-level candidates for one, and perhaps more than one, tenure-track faculty position(s), to begin in August 2013. Our curricular needs are flexible, and we welcome applications from outstanding candidates in all subject areas. However, possible areas of particular interest may include, but are not limited to, taxation, property, wills and trusts, corporate and business law, intellectual property (with emphasis on patent law), international law, health care and technology, and commercial law. We may also have a need for visiting professors in these areas. All applicants should have a distinguished academic background and either great promise or a record of excellence in both scholarship and teaching, as well as a J.D. and/or Ph.D., or a comparable degree. The University of Cincinnati is committed to a diverse faculty, staff, and student body. We encourage applications from women, people of color, persons with disabilities, and others whose background, experience, and viewpoints would contribute to the diversity of our faculty. We will begin reviewing applications in mid-August 2012, continuing until the position(s) is/are filled.

Contact: Professor Emily Houh, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee, University of Cincinnati College of Law, P.O. Box 210040, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0040. Other Committee members are: Tom Eisele, Stephanie McMahon, Michael Solimine, and Sandra Sperino.

Posted by: Emily Houh | Jul 30, 2012 9:04:59 AM

The University of Arkansas-Fayetteville School of Law may have tenure-track positions that will begin in Fall 2013. The Law School is interested in persons with experience or a demonstrated interest in teaching and writing in a broad range of subjects and courses, particularly property, trusts & estates, and legal research & writing. Applicants should possess an excellent academic background and significant scholarly and teaching potential. We welcome applications from women, members of minority groups, and others who will enrich and diversify our faculty.

Contact: Brian Gallini, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee, [Via email: [email protected]; Via mail: University of Arkansas-Fayetteville School of Law, Robert A. Leflar Law Center, Fayetteville, AR 72701.] Other Committee members: Mary Beth Matthews, Ann Killenbeck, Uche Ewelukwa, and Dustin Buehler.

Posted by: Brian Gallini | Jul 29, 2012 1:18:21 PM

Texas Tech University School of Law seeks to fill two tenured or tenure-track positions. One hire will primarily teach corporate/business courses, including Business Entities and electives such as Security Regulations, Mergers & Acquisitions, and related courses. The other hire will teach first-year Property; we are flexible with regard to the other courses, but have needs including Environmental Law, Alternative Energy Law, Agriculture Law, Intellectual Property, and Immigration Law
Our chair is John Watts, and the other committee members are Jarod Gonzalez, Jennifer Bard, Dean Pawlowic, Alyson Outenreath and Darby Dickerson.

Posted by: John Watts | Jul 27, 2012 3:05:50 PM

Western State College of Law (in Fullerton, California) currently plans to fill several tenure-track positions. Areas of potential interest include contracts, evidence, civil procedure and clinical teaching. The Appointments Committee consists of Jennifer Koh (chair), Lori Roberts, Ryan Williams and our Dean, William Adams. We invite applications from entry-level and lateral candidates. Please direct any questions to jkoh[at]wsulaw[dot]edu.

Posted by: Jennifer Lee Koh | Jul 25, 2012 2:21:43 PM

The University of Nebraska College of Law invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position with a focus on teaching telecommunications and cyber law. Courses in telecommunications and cyber law are offered to J.D. students as well as LL.M. students in the College of Law's Space, Cyber, and Telecommunications Law program. Review of applications will begin on August 10, 2012, and continue until the position is filled. General information about the Law College is available at http://law.unl.edu/. Information on the Space, Cyber, and Telecommunications Law program can be found at http://spaceandtelecomlaw.unl.edu/. The University of Nebraska has an active National Science Foundation ADVANCE gender equity program, and is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers. To apply, fill out the University application, which can be found at employment.unl.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=63498. If you have questions, please contact Professor Richard Moberly, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee, University of Nebraska College of Law, Lincoln, NE 68583-0902, or send an email to [email protected].

The other members of the Appointments Committee are Dean Susan Poser and Professors Eric Berger, Bill Lyons, Matt Schaefer, Chrystal Sheppard, and Catherine Wilson.

Posted by: Richard Moberly | Jul 24, 2012 11:21:36 AM

Bill Corbett is the chair of the appointments committee at LSU Law. Other members of the committee are Elizabeth Carter, Ray Diamond, Bob Lancaster, Scott Sullivan and Jack Weiss.

Areas of potential interest include the following: clinical; constitutional law; energy and natural resources; family law; international business transactions, arbitration and litigation; maritime and admiralty; tax; torts; and trusts and estates.

Posted by: Scott Sullivan | Jul 24, 2012 9:34:20 AM

The University of Colorado Law School is hiring for several positions, focusing on environmental, natural resources, property, and land use, but open to other areas as well. Lateral and entry level applicants are encouraged to apply. We are also seeking to fill a chair in natural resources and environmental law, for which more experienced lateral professors are encouraged to apply. I am the chair of the committee.

Posted by: Sarah Krakoff | Jul 23, 2012 3:28:40 PM

Whoops! Didn't scroll over that far! Thank you, Sarah.

Posted by: anon | Jul 19, 2012 10:58:45 PM

Yes, there is already a column for date added. It is on the far right-hand side of the spreadsheet.

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Jul 19, 2012 3:08:08 PM

A small request: Might a column for "date added" be useful? That way, one could sort to quickly id new additions. Just a thought and thank you for providing this information!

Posted by: anon | Jul 19, 2012 2:59:27 PM

The University of Minnesota has a unified committee. We are focused on filling two senior chaired positions, one in law, science, and technology and the other in business law. Our chair is Brett McDonnell, and the other committee members are Steve Befort, John Borrows, Jill Hasday, Claire Hill, and Bert Kritzer.

Posted by: Brett McDonnell | Jul 17, 2012 1:50:20 PM

Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University currently plans to fill two or three junior tenure-track positions. We will consider all subject areas but primarily seek candidates with research programs and teaching interests in (1) the regulatory processes for government decision making (administrative law) and subjects which are primarily regulated through these processes, e.g., health law or labor law or (2) criminal law, criminal procedure and evidence. Areas of secondary interest include immigration and the regulation of biotechnology and the firms that produce it. Candidates should send a cover letter and resume including a description of areas of interest, and copies of representative works, to Ms. Sharisse M. Carter, [email protected], assistant to Professor Daniel Greenwood, Chair of the Faculty Recruitment Committee.

Posted by: Daniel Greenwood | Jul 17, 2012 10:06:16 AM

UC Hastings has a unified committee chaired by Jo Carrillo and John Diamond. Other members are DePoorter, D. Faigman and Piomelli. Needs and slots TBD.

Posted by: David Levine | Jul 16, 2012 8:33:34 PM

Seattle University School of Law is looking to fill multiple tenure-track positions. Our primary areas of interest include tax, torts, evidence, and health law. We are also interested in candidates who combine experience teaching legal writing with expertise in a significant doctrinal area. Andrew Siegel will be chairing a unified committee. The other committee members are Mark Chinen, Diane Dick, Russell Powell, and Mimi Samuel.

Posted by: Andrew Siegel | Jul 16, 2012 5:23:42 PM

Southern Illinois University School of Law seeks to fill up to two full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty positions (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Law) to begin in the 2013-2014 academic year. With a range of curricular needs, the School of Law welcomes applications from candidates with a wide variety of interests. Application deadline Oct. 1, 2012 or until position is filled. For details and qualifications see: http://www.law.siu.edu/Faculty_staff/Opfaculty.php

SIU is also seeking nominations and applications for the Garwin Distinguished Professor of Law and Medicine for the 2013-14 academic year. Established in 1996, the Garwin Professorship is funded in part by a grant from the Garwin Family Foundation which was established in 1993 for the purposes of fostering education and academic research. Support for this position includes a competitive salary, benefits, travel allowance, housing for one year, and a research assistant. Application deadline Oct. 15, 2012 or until position is filled. For details and qualifications see: http://www.law.siu.edu/Faculty_staff/garwin.php

Applications for all positions to:

Patty Lynn, Assistant to the Dean
Mail Code 6804
Southern Illinois University School of Law
1150 Douglas Drive
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
Email: [email protected]

Personnel Committee Chair: Prof. W. Eugene Basanta, Southern Illinois University School of Law, 1150 Douglas Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901-6804

Posted by: W. Eugene Basanta | Jul 16, 2012 4:45:13 PM

Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law is seeking to hire faculty in tax, legal research and communication, and commercial law. Other areas might also be considered. We will consider entry-level as well as lateral candidates for all positions. Our committee is Shawn Boyne, Robert Brookins, Jeff Cooper, Yvonne Dutton, Max Huffman, Deborah McGregor, and a student member to be named soon. Mike Pitts is the chair of the committee.

We are also seeking to hire a chair in intellectual property to be the Director of our Center on Intellectual Property and Innovation. That search is being done by a separate committee chaired by Gerard Magliocca.

Posted by: Mike Pitts | Jul 16, 2012 3:47:13 PM

Suffolk Law in Boston is hiring for at least two slots this year, with a focus on first year teaching interests in contracts and property. Our upper-level needs are health law, biotech, business and financial services. We have foreseeable interests in criminal law and international law as well. Those who have a geographic preference for Massachusetts specifically or New England more generally should make that known to the Co-Chairs on their application. Committee Co-Chairs are Jessica Silbey and Bob Smith. Here's to a successful hiring season for all.


Posted by: Jessica Silbey | Jul 16, 2012 9:51:50 AM

Many hiring chairs, I suspect, will be reluctant to provide an "available faculty positions" number, in part because that number is sometimes fluid over the course of a hiring season. A law school may conclude later in the season that it can afford fewer people than it had hoped for earlier. If the hiring chair honestly tells a rejected candidate that the school thought he was great and would have hired him but for financial constraints, it would be embarrassing to have apparently-contradictory information on prawfsblawg.

Posted by: Jon Weinberg | Jul 15, 2012 8:12:49 PM

FARout candidate, good suggestion, thanks. I will add this information in the "Other" column, and if enough schools submit this information, I will start a separate column for number of slots. I will also mention in the initial post that I will be collecting this information.

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Jul 15, 2012 4:54:50 PM

I see that Chapman indicated their anticipation of hiring three entry-level faculty this season. Thank you for this information, Professor Howe. Could you add a column to the spreadsheet that shows the number of available faculty positions at each school? From a candidate's perspective, this information would be quite useful. Many thanks.

Posted by: FARout candidate | Jul 15, 2012 3:31:05 PM

Case Western has a unified committee, and Sharona Hoffman is the Chair. The other members are Jessie Hill, Craig Nard, Judy Lipton, and Mike Benza. We may be looking for someone in the area of IP.

Posted by: Sharona Hoffman | Jul 14, 2012 2:43:15 PM

Chapman University Law School will be interviewing entry-level candidates for three positions. The committee members are:

Scott Howe (chair)
Nancy Schultz
Susanna Ripken
Larry Rosenthal

We have interest in individuals who specialize in intellectual property and those who specialize in skills areas. For an additional position, we have flexibility to consider exceptional candidates to help us in one or more of a variety of subjects, and we are not limiting our search to particular doctrinal areas. Chapman University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and has a strong commitment to diversity among its faculty.

Posted by: Scott Howe | Jul 13, 2012 5:50:29 PM

SUNY-Buffalo Law School is hiring in all fields at the entry, junior lateral, and senior lateral levels. The appointments chair is Guyora Binder, and the other committee members are David Engel, Tara Melish, Anthony O’Rourke, Matthew Steilen, and Rick Su. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Posted by: Anthony O'Rourke | Jul 13, 2012 12:58:30 PM

Arizona State will have two committees--entry-level and lateral. The are staffed as follows:

Entry Level:

Carissa Hessick (chair)
Patricia Ferguson-Bohnee
Aaron Fellmeth
Zachary Gubler


Cathy O'Grady (chair)
Sarah Buel
Robert Clinton
Mary Sigler
Zak Kramer
Art Hinshaw

The College is looking for outstanding candidates in all areas but has particular interest in administrative law, bankruptcy, business law, civil and criminal procedure, commercial law, evidence, Indian law (especially economic development in Indian country), and tax law, as well as individuals who teach in the first-year curriculum.

Posted by: Doug Sylvester | Jul 13, 2012 12:38:26 PM

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