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Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Wow, May Day is here, and for certain people, that automatically triggers warm memories or anticipations of prancing and whirling around maypoles, trotting out instruments of military force, or simply a dawn flowing with champagne and strawberries on Weeks Bridge. But for me it just means: a rotations post! 

This month I'm delighted to welcome a few newcomers: Nancy Leong from Denver Law (congrats to Nancy on her recent HLR acceptance!); the inimitable Sam Bagenstos from Michigan Law; and Bob Howard from Georgia State Poli Sci. In addition, I'm thrilled to welcome back Elizabeth Dale (UF Law and History); Jake Linford (FSU Law--woot!); Dave Sidhu (UNM Law); Jeff Yates (Binghamton Poli Sci); David Schleicher (GMU Law); and Michael Risch (Villanova Law). 

Finally, I'm grateful to all our wonderful visitors in April, both official and unofficial. Some of them might take a few days to wrap up here, but I'm very thankful for their diligence and thoughtfulness. I look forward to seeing you back here on these pages in the second half of the year. (And a special note of thanks to Marc DeG, who has agreed to continue to share his magical humanism and legal acumen for the next while.).


Posted by Administrators on May 1, 2012 at 12:04 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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