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Monday, April 09, 2012
Underneath the Law Review Submission Process: Part II More on Timing
As the next step in my series of posts this month studying the Law Review Submission process, I thought I would share a bit more data.
This post, like the last one goes to timing of submissions. Again, here I'm relying on data from the BYU Law Review. But I had a couple of questions that I looked at. First, which days of the week are most submissions made? I guess the theory behind this question is that you may want to submit on days where there are fewer submissions, so that your paper has a higher chance of being read.
The other question was, which days are most submissions received? On the first question, it looks like in looking at a roughly one month period (January 29 to March 2), most submissions were received on Thursdays. Check it out:
What about generally looking at dates: Which dates between January 29 and March 2 were most submissions received: March 1 wins this one. (I wish I had data into March because I think there are likely to be several heavy days into March as well but I don't have this for BYU. I may be able to get this for one of the other law reviews I interview though).
As always, comments or insights on any of this are welcome.
Posted by Shima Baradaran Baughman on April 9, 2012 at 02:47 PM | Permalink
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As an Articles Editor last year I think it should be made clear that BYU is a major outlier in how it selects articles. They are notorious for sending out a large number of offers very early in the process; nearly half of our expedites in the first two weeks of the season came from articles that BYU had extended offers to. I would caution authors against relying on this data.
Posted by: Carl | May 1, 2012 5:48:00 PM
I am curious what makes Articles Editor think that submissions on Express-o are less worthy of his/her time? And, doesn't that comment just sum up what we face when we submit? No real process, no real rules, no clear information (which is what makes this series of blog postings so interesting and valuable) and no way to predict what to do. Clearly writing good articles is not the point. Timing of submission, and predicting the peculiar preferences of the editorial board on each journal, which changes each year, seems to be the key. Or maybe it is just dumb luck.
Posted by: Anon | Apr 11, 2012 12:20:01 AM
Is there any comparable data for the "August" cycle? I'm trying to plan my summer plans and having a date range to work back from would be very helpful.
Posted by: hopeful | Apr 10, 2012 9:57:58 AM
I'm more likely to look at something if it is NOT submitted through Expresso
Posted by: Articles Editor | Apr 9, 2012 11:25:07 PM
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