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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Play ball!

Caveat: Non-law related post.  I am probably the only law professor not blogging on the ACA arguments today.

Growing up in Los Angeles (not Orange County) and being an Angel fan was kind of a rough experience.  For most of my adolescent life the Angels were awful and the Dodgers were in their glory days.  The one exception was Spring Training.  At the time, the Angels had their Spring Training in Palm Springs at a city park right down the street from the condominium by grandmother lived in.  Every year I would get to go, and it was amazing.  It was a different time – the players would just hang out in the park before and after games, engaging in conversations with fans and taking pictures.  The one exception was Reggie Jackson, who blew everyone off.  My mom once chewed him out for walking right by a group of us trying to get autographs.  It was awesome.

Now every team is in Arizona or Florida, and most have fancy stadiums.  The whole thing feels a bit more corporate.  But I still love going.  I am always jealous of colleagues in these cities this time of year; I say more Arizona and Florida conferences in March! 

Posted by Michael Waterstone on March 28, 2012 at 12:47 AM | Permalink


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Growing up in Southern California around the same time as you, it wasn't much easier being an Angel fan in Orange County, either. (But I did get that Reggie Jackson autograph.)

Posted by: Adam Zimmerman | Mar 29, 2012 4:20:16 AM

You're forgiven for being an Angel fan (and for not blogging on the ACA arguments for that matter*) only because their manager is a former Dodger and the Angels had enough good sense and baseball intelligence to hire Scioscia. Alas, Gene Autry did not live long enough to see the results (he lived a long life in any case).

* You deserve my gratitude at least for not referring to PPACA as "Obamacare," which works only if we infer from the label (epithet) that Obama understands in a way that those on the other side of the aisle contending for his office do not, that health care for those who are not wealthy in this country is intimately tied to issues of social justice that are not adequately addressed by leaving individuals and families at the mercy of the marketplace.

Posted by: Patrick S. O'Donnell | Mar 28, 2012 8:22:22 AM

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