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Monday, November 07, 2011

This Is Our Story

I'm excited to announce that later tonight, my wife, the incomparable Wendi Adelson, will be doing a book signing for her new novel, entitled, This Is Our Story. If you're in Tallahassee, I hope you'll stop by.

Where: Student Life Cinema, 942 Learning Way (FSU main campus)
When: Monday, November 7th, at 7:00 p.m.
Admission is free and open to the public. Download her e-book here or buy a copy in person! 

And if you're curious about the novel, here are some reader reviews and a description:

This is Our Story follows the lives of Rosa and Mila, two young women from different countries who become victims of human trafficking when unwittingly duped into domestic servitude and commercial sexual exploitation in the American Southeast. Their experiences with the underbelly of globalization here in our own backyard, and the legal battles they wage against their traffickers with their immigration attorney, Lily, are told in their own voices, and hers, in vivid and compelling detail.

Finally, Wendi has been teaming up with some others to blog on issues related to human trafficking and the law, and you can find that great resource over here.

Posted by Administrators on November 7, 2011 at 03:04 PM in Books | Permalink


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All the Evidence (from her book, her life and her family) proves to me Wendi is an out and out covert NARCISSIST! Same as her mother and if her brother Charlie isn't one then he is complicitly involved with her in her narcissistic machinations.

Posted by: Graeme K Lee | Oct 25, 2019 10:43:19 PM

Send my congrats to Wendi. That's great.

Posted by: Orin Kerr | Nov 7, 2011 11:49:43 PM

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