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Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Repost: 4th Annual Junior Fed Courts Faculty Workshop
This is a reposting and reminder of earlier announcement of the Fourth Annual Junior Faculty Federal Court Workshop, which will be held February 2-4, 2012, at FIU College of Law.
The workshop pairs a senior scholar with a panel of junior scholars presenting works-in-progress. Five senior scholars have confirmed participation this year: Susan Bandes (University of Miami), Lee Epstein (USC), Theodore Eisenberg (Cornell University), Martin Redish (Northwestern University), Suzanna Sherry (Vanderbilt University).
This year, we are spreading the conference out over two days (meaning an extra day in Miami in February, not a bad thing). It begins with a dinner on Thursday, February 2, then panels on Friday and Saturday. Each panel will consist of 4-5 junior scholars, with a senior scholar serving as moderator and commenter and leading a group discussion on the papers.
The workshop is open to non-tenured and recently tenured academics who teach and write in Federal Courts, Civil Rights Litigation, and associated topics. Those who do not currently hold a faculty appointment but expect to do so beginning in fall 2012 are welcome. The program is also open to scholars wanting to attend, read, and comment on papers but not present. There is no registration fee.
Those wishing to present a paper should submit an Abstract (of no more than 250 words) by Tuesday, November 15 to [email protected]. Papers will be selected by a committee of past participants; presenters will be notified by December 10. Those planning to attend must register by January 10, 2012. The program is also open to non-presenters who want to attend, read and comment on papers, and participate in the discussion.
More details will be forthcoming next month. In the meantime, if you are interested in presenting, please get your abstracts/proposals to me by the 15th.
Posted by Howard Wasserman on November 2, 2011 at 10:31 AM in Howard Wasserman, Sponsored Announcements | Permalink
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