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Friday, June 24, 2011
The On-Line Journal Editing & Publishing Process & Would I Do It Again?
The Editing Process
First, the editing process varied from journal to journal. One essay (Northwestern) received the heaviest edits I’d ever received on any of my law review submissions to date, which improved the piece significantly. The biggest issues revolved around wanting more extensive footnoting and more support for some of my statements. To meet word count, I had omitted support for some historical points that are fairly widely known and been a little loose with omitting pin cites and parentheticals. So, my general observation about on-line law reviews’ citation practices did not hold true for Northwestern. Northwestern selects a small number of the on-line articles for print in the regular issue; the editors were pushing the essay toward a traditional format and mentioned that as their reason for doing so (although I have no idea whether the essay will ultimately be selected).
The shortest one (Wash. U.) received relatively light edits, but the piece was very straightforward. I agree that it didn’t need much. (FYI: Wash. U. publishes the on-line articles in the regular issue.) The mid-length article (5,000 – 6,000 words in Penn.) received the average number of comments I tend to receive on traditional submissions.
Will I Publish On-line Again?
Yes. I really like the short turnaround time. I do think this is the wave of the future.
I don’t think I’ll aim to do three at one time again, however. When I catch my breath (some day), I plan to write a few op-eds. Someone I know who has done many of those generously has offered to help me develop and place some. So, that’s what I’ll try next. If I’m back on Prawfs after that time, I can let you know how that goes.
Posted by Jen Kreder on June 24, 2011 at 11:02 AM | Permalink
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