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Monday, June 13, 2011

"Silly Season" 2011 Post

It's not even officially summer and the media is already abuzz with stories of scandal--Arnold, Anthony, and John.  Just more evidence that powerful men flout the rules?  Or would women also "behave badly" if only they were powerful enough?  Or do less important men and women also act out--only away from the media glare?  The New York Times this week-end ran this piece by Sheryl Gay Stolberg ("When It Comes to Scandal, Girls Won't Be Boys").  It argues that women in Congress don't engage in these compromising situations because politics is still dominated by men, and women are conscious of their relatively tenuous position.  In the words of Prof. Kathyrn Pearson of the Univ. of Minnesota, they have to "prove themselves," and so they are more earnest and diligent, with less time for train wrecks.  What do we think?  What's the explanation?  Next post: back to law.

Posted by GiovannaShay on June 13, 2011 at 07:28 AM | Permalink


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