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Monday, June 20, 2011

On-Line Journals

A lot of people have questions about the on-line journals. I thought I’d provide some information about my experience to help others decide whether they would like to try their hand at placing an article in one. My experience was positive. So, my first post on this topic will cover why I chose to publish in an on-line journal.

Much of my scholarship concerns Nazi-looted art, which presents plenty of difficult legal, ethical, moral and policy issues. While I intend to keep writing about it in shorter articles and a forthcoming book, I intend to produce some more generalized law review articles over the next few years that build bridges between the cultural property/cultural heritage field to other fields. So, I’ll be getting down to fundamentals of property law, human rights, international law, constitutional law and restitutionary justice. I thought publishing a few shorter essays in the on-line journals, with shorter turnaround, would be the appropriate place to try to provide scholarship that could be cited to the courts in pending litigation. (Three cert petitions are currently pending before the Supreme Court concerning Holocaust-era art; the Supreme Court has asked the Solicitor General to appear in two thus far).

I also hope that publishing in the elite on-line journals will help my scholarship cross over into more of the elite flagship journals, especially as I aim to shift my scholarship a bit.

I’ll talk more about the experience in my next post.

Posted by Jen Kreder on June 20, 2011 at 01:06 PM | Permalink


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