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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Coming soon to a theatre near you ...

"Moneyball" the movie. The moneyball concept gets a lot of play in the realm of academic hiring and performance analysis. Of course, that get's no play in this movie - but if Brad Pitt plays moneyball general manager Billy Beane, then who is Billy Beane in law and what actor plays him in Moneylaw the  movie?


Posted by Jeff Yates on June 16, 2011 at 09:27 PM in Books, Culture, Film, Games, Life of Law Schools, Science, Sports | Permalink


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Fascinating topic. I would love to discuss this topic. Hope you will have more good articles.

Posted by: vex 3 | Jul 26, 2021 4:56:59 AM

If you're saying that it's mainly talk and little action, then I would agree.

Posted by: Jeff Yates | Jun 17, 2011 4:25:58 PM

It may get a lot of play, but I don't think the academe does anything resembling finding high-talent, low cost players. Instead, the merely pick people who are like its denizens, and who are valued for reasons other than scholarship or teaching. If you're suggesting that lower-ranked schools occupy this market--and then are poached from higher-ranking schools--the analogy still doesn't work. The reason is lower-ranked schools sometimes feel more beholden thank higher-ranked schools to things like pedigree, rather than potential.

Posted by: RBI | Jun 17, 2011 2:15:18 PM

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