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Monday, April 04, 2011

Entry Level Hiring: The 2011 Report.

NB. This post will get bumped to the front every now and then.

I've just been informed that, for understandable reasons, the inimitable Larry Solum will not be doing an entry level report this year; accordingly, in the interest of slaking the thirst for this information, we'll have an open thread where folks can report new hires to the tenure track at law schools. In order to ensure the information is accurate, I'm going to ask rising prawfs or folks from the schools where they are being hired to sign their names to comments to this post.

You should feel free to include the kind of information that Larry collected in the past. For example, just to pick the folks we hired here at FSU a couple years ago, here's what their info looks like as a template:

    Shawn J. Bayern, JD CALIFORNIA – Berkeley 2006, U.S. Court of Appeals Clerkship, VAP DUKE

    Tara Leigh Grove, JD HARVARD 2002, U.S. Court of Appeals Clerkship, Research and Teaching Fellowship HARVARD (Climenko Fellow & Lecturer on Law)

    Franita Tolson, JD CHICAGO 2005, U.S. District Court Clerkship & U.S. Court of Appeals Clerkship, VAP NORTHWESTERN

However, if you like, you can also add a brief area of interest and insert a link to the person's ssrn page or webpage with cv to help introduce the world of prawfs to these great new emerging voices.

To start things off, here are Florida State's two very talented new folks:

Jay Kesten, hired by Florida State, JD University of British Columbia, LL.M. Harvard, Wake Forest VAP (specializing in business law), British Columbia Supreme Court.  

Mark Spottswood, hired by Florida State, JD Northwestern, Northwestern VAP (specializing in the institutional design of dispute resolution and civil procedure), ND Ill., 6th Cir.

The information will be aggregated on this spreadsheet (which is reproduced below and which you can download); click on the spreadsheet and scroll across to see all of the information we will be aggregating. Please also include the year the person's JD was awarded.

Updated Update, 4/11/2011: Please rely on the spreadsheet, not the comments, for information about hires, as there is a fair amount of information in the spreadsheet not reflected in the comments, including some hires for whom the information was received via email. (If you would like to email information instead of posting it, please send it to Sarah Lawsky at slawsky *at* law *dot* uci *dot* edu.) [fixed 4/16/2011 to be correct email address. Oy. --SBL.] 

Also, the new tab in the spreadsheet is now called Prelim Data Summary, rather than analysis. This is to emphasize that the spreadsheet just counts and summarizes the information we have. I strongly encourage people to download the spreadsheet and run whatever analysis they would like (e.g., compare number of hires from a particular law school to the size of the class at that law school, as someone suggested in the comments). If you would like us to post your analysis on the blog, email it to Sarah Lawsky at the above email address. 

Even more updated: No need to do any counting count by hand--I have added two new tabs. One has a chart listing each school that has hired at least on person, and the tab has a chart that lists all of the schools that were the source of hiring (i.e., initial JD), with the number of people hired who went to that school. E.g., if it says Harvard 16, 16 people who got their initial JD from Harvard got entry-level jobs this year. Pivot charts FTW!


Posted by Administrators on April 4, 2011 at 12:13 PM in Blogging, Entry Level Hiring Report, Life of Law Schools | Permalink


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thank you! good luck..

Posted by: Geniş aile 2 hd izle | Dec 5, 2016 3:01:09 PM

Data collection for the entry level hiring report is now over.

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | May 15, 2011 8:03:39 PM

Danny Schaffzin, University of Memphis School of Law, Assistant Professor and Director of Clinical Programs
J.D., Temple University (2000), VAP at University of North Dakota

Posted by: DMS | May 6, 2011 2:34:50 AM

I can't see the spreadsheet due to work restrictions but from my recollection Fordham wasn't included the last time I checked. Fordham did no entry level hiring this year - the chair of the hiring committee emailed all of the people it interviewed at AALS letting them know this.

Posted by: anonymouse | May 5, 2011 12:58:35 PM

The University of New Hampshire School of Law (formerly Franklin Pierce Law Center) did not hire any entry-level tenure-track candidates this year. We are delighted, however, to welcome our inaugural Visiting Assistant Professor in Intellectual Property, Stefania Fusco (J.S.D. Stanford; J.S.M. Stanford; M.B.A. University of Illinois at Chicago; LL.M. Chicago-Kent; Dottore in Giurisprudenza, Universita degli Studi di Torino), whose main area of scholarly interest is international intellectual property.

Posted by: Mary Wong | May 2, 2011 2:39:27 PM

Texas Wesleyan University School of Law has hired Sahar F. Aziz. J.D. University of Texas (2004), Masters in Middle Eastern Studies University of Texas, U.S. District Court clerkship, Adjunct at Georgetown Law Center, main areas of scholarly interest: civil rights litigation, national security, torts.

Posted by: Sahar Aziz | Apr 29, 2011 9:21:23 PM

Hilary Allen is thrilled to be joining the faculty at Loyola New Orleans.

BA/LLB University of Sydney (2003)
LLM (Securities & Financial Regulation) (2010)
Scholarly interests include Business Organizations and Financial Regulation.

Posted by: Hilary Allen | Apr 28, 2011 10:31:15 PM

In addition to John Brooks, Georgetown has also hired Itai Grinberg (http://www.law.georgetown.edu/faculty/facinfo/tab_faculty.cfm?Status=fulltime&ID=2833).

Posted by: anon | Apr 25, 2011 8:38:17 PM

Minnesota hired Christopher Roberts as well as Jessica Clarke. See http://law.umn.edu/facultyprofiles/robertsc.html

Professor Roberts completed his B.A. in anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1997 and his J.D. at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law in 2000. During law school, he worked at the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office in the Gang Unit and with the law firm Robie & Matthai in Los Angeles.

In 2010, he completed the joint doctoral program in public policy and sociology at the University of Michigan

Posted by: Daniel Schwarcz | Apr 24, 2011 11:07:19 PM

Holger Spamann
Hired by Harvard Law School
S.J.D. and L.L.M., HLS
A.M., Harvard, Economics; Ph.D. expected 2011
B.Sc., LSE
German Law Degree
French Law Degree
Corporations, Corporate Finance, Bankruptcy, Financial Institutions, Securities Regulation, Law
and Economics, Civil Procedure, Conflict of Laws

Posted by: Akiba Covitz | Apr 24, 2011 6:02:45 PM

Harvard Law School hired Holger Spamann: LLM (2001, Harvard); SJD (2009, Harvard); PhD candidate (Economics, Harvard). Lecturer in law, Harvard.

Posted by: anon | Apr 21, 2011 7:42:42 PM

The University of Houston Law Center has hired Bret Wells, J.D. University of Texas (1989).

Posted by: Bret Wells | Apr 21, 2011 8:01:17 AM

The University of Nebraska has made two new entry-level hires:

Jack M. Beard, JD Michigan (1983), LLM Georgetown (1989), Scholar-in-Residence/Lecturer, UCLA (specializing in International Law, National Security Law, Space/Cyber Law).

A. Christal Sheppard, JD Cornell Law School (2001), Ph.D. from University of Michigan in Cellular and Molecular Biology (specializing in Patent Law, International Intellectual Property law, Science and Law and Legislation).

Posted by: Richard Moberly | Apr 20, 2011 3:00:39 PM

Vanderbilt hired Rebecca Haw: Harvard JD 2008, Clerkship with Posner (7th Circuit), currently a Climenko Fellow at Harvard, works on antitrust

Posted by: anon | Apr 19, 2011 5:30:00 PM

Touro Law Center did not make any entry-level hires this year.

Posted by: Fabio Arcila, Jr. | Apr 19, 2011 3:12:44 PM

Stephen R. Miller, hired by University of Idaho. JD, UC Hastings (2006); MCP, UC Berkeley (2006). Working in community economic development, land use, sustainability and environmental law.

Congrats to the other new hires!

Posted by: Stephen R. Miller | Apr 18, 2011 10:15:12 PM

Delighted to be joining Brooklyn Law School:
Christopher Beauchamp
Sharswood Fellow, U. Penn Law School
Previously a Microsoft/LAPA Fellow at Princeton and a Golieb Fellow at NYU
Ph.D. (History) Cambridge, 2007; LL.M. Penn (expected 2011)
Working in legal history and intellectual property

Posted by: Chris | Apr 18, 2011 8:00:58 PM

anotheranon | Apr 18, 2011 9:44:58 AM: The tabs weren't clear before--I've tried to add info to make this clearer. The tab "JD School Number of Hires" now says at the top, "This chart answers the question, 'How many people who went to School X were hired as an entry-level professor?'" So 16 people who went to Harvard were hired, 14 people who went to Yale, 10 people who went to NYU, etc.

And of course I should stress: this is only what's been reported in the comments or in emails to me. This information is not complete!

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Apr 18, 2011 12:30:39 PM

Seeking clarification from anon | Apr 15, 2011 10:24:43 AM, whose post begins:

>A few stat updates (if my math is right):
>Schools reporting at least one hire 74 (plus 4 reporting none, only reports from 78 schools)
>Harvard 16
>Yale 13

Harvard hired 16 entry-level people, Yale 13, etc?

Posted by: anotheranon | Apr 18, 2011 9:44:58 AM

Charlie Korsmo got hired! Glad to see that some child actors end up doing just fine.

Posted by: First Year Prof | Apr 17, 2011 5:30:27 PM

Thanks to whoever sent in the info about my entry-level position at Berkeley. Sarah, would you correct my name in the spreadsheet? My first name is Karen, not Kari.

Here's my full info:
JD., Penn (2007); Ph.D. (History), Penn (expected 2011); 2nd Circuit clerkship (Calabresi); NYU Golieb Fellow, 2010-11; Penn Sharswood Fellow, 2008-10. Areas of interest: legal history, social welfare law, admin law, torts.

Posted by: Karen | Apr 17, 2011 8:29:25 AM

Marc-Tizoc Gonzalez hired at St. Thomas University School of Law (Miami, FL), JD Boalt, Lecturer UC Berkeley (Ethnic Studies); adjunct prof Golden Gate Law.

Posted by: Anon | Apr 15, 2011 12:43:07 PM

A few stat updates (if my math is right):

Schools reporting at least one hire 74 (plus 4 reporting none, only reports from 78 schools)

Harvard 16
Yale 13
NYU 10
Columbia, Michigan 9
Stanford 7
Berkeley, Chicago 4
Penn 3
Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, Hastings, Howard, Notre Dame, U Virginia, U British Columbia 2
Cardozo, Florida, George Washington, Hebrew, Lewis & Clark, LSU, Maine, Northwestern, Tel Aviv, U Arkansas, U Conn, U Melbourne, U San Diego, U Tennessee, U Toronto, U Ljubljana, UCLA, USC, Washington & Lee, Washington University, Wisconsin 1

Posted by: anon | Apr 15, 2011 10:24:43 AM

Ryan Scoville, hired by Marquette, JD Stanford 2006, clerkships with 9th Circuit (M. Smith) and D. Arizona (Wake).

Posted by: Ryan Scoville | Apr 13, 2011 6:21:18 PM

@Apr 13, 2011 12:33:33 PM: I'd be very curious to know this as well. At some point the AALS will compile and post the info here:


But 2009-2010 hasn't even been posted yet, so I don't know when we would get the information from this year.

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Apr 13, 2011 2:37:36 PM

Anybody know how many AALS applicants there were this year? I'm curious about the hired/not-hired ratio and if it differs significantly from past cycles...

Posted by: anon | Apr 13, 2011 12:33:33 PM

Wisconsin hired Cecilia Klingele, JD U. Wisconsin 2005, Clerkships W.D. Wisc. (Crabb); 11th Cir. (Black); SCOTUS (Kennedy); VAP U. Wisconsin. Interests: Crim law

Posted by: anon | Apr 13, 2011 8:39:08 AM

Two hires by LSU:

Margaret (Maggie) Thomas
JD 2002, UC Berkeley
Fellowship, UC Berkeley, Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law
Clerkship, Judge Pamela Ann Rymer, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Clerkship, Judge George H. King, U.S. District Court, Central District of California

Philip Hackney
Office of Chief Counsel of IRS
JD 2001, LSU
LLM 2002 (Tax), NYU
Clerkship, Judge Henry Politz, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit

Posted by: S. Sullivan | Apr 11, 2011 3:17:15 PM

- | Apr 11, 2011 2:15:13 PM: Thanks for the heads up. I don't think that's an issue with the data summary sheet--it's summarizing the data correctly--but rather it's a bigger problem with our method of data collection (i.e., self-reporting). I've just run through Googling them and found only one additional fellowship, but I may well be missing something. Could you send me an email directly? (Anonymity is assured.)

In general, if folks are finding things that are incorrect on the spreadsheet, please do email me. I have no special information and can do only two things: compile information I gather from the comments and from emails, and Google people. And I definitely don't do even do those things perfectly. So any additional help, information, corrections, etc. are much appreciated!

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Apr 11, 2011 2:38:33 PM

Big thanks to whoever is responsible for presenting the data in this spreadsheet format this year. Very cool.

I just wanted to flag an issue with the preliminary data summary sheet in the workbook. I was Googling to see the backgrounds of the entry level hires who don't have a VAP or fellowship listed, and I found that many do have one or more these listed on their bios. There aren't really 12 new hires who have neither a VAP/fellowship nor an advanced degree.

Posted by: - | Apr 11, 2011 2:15:13 PM

DJ-I think that's right. I hadn't been putting this information on because (1)There are so many different areas being given for many people that the spreadsheet would become unwieldy (I would need to jam everything into one giant column, or else have multiple additional columns), and (2) the information isn't particularly susceptible to analysis, because not everyone is providing that information and the fields are so disparate. But I think I will do it, so that all the info is on the spreadsheet. I'll add two or three columns at the end and list the first few areas provided. Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Apr 11, 2011 11:47:43 AM

Saint Louis U. has hired two entry-level professors this year:

(1) Justin Hansford
J.D. 2007, Georgetown University Law Center
Fellowship, Georgetown University Law Scholar
Clerkship, Hon. Damon Keith, US Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit

(2) Aaron Taylor
J.D. 2000, Howard University
Ph.D, Education (Higher Education Leadership and Policy), Vanderbilt University
Fellowship, Harvard University Graduate School of Education

Posted by: Matt Bodie | Apr 11, 2011 11:30:36 AM

I would think it useful for the spreadsheet to list teaching/scholarly interests. Many of the comments provided that information.

Posted by: DJ | Apr 11, 2011 11:22:38 AM

- @ Apr 10, 2011 6:12:33 PM -- That's a great point, and it seems right on the mark to me. I encourage you and others to download the spreadsheet and run whatever kind of analysis you would like--that's a big part of why I put it on a spreadsheet, instead of just a list. If you do run such an analysis and would like me to post it to the blog, please email it to me. Thanks so much!

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Apr 11, 2011 12:35:31 AM

Should the data analysis include information on size of law school class? Some schools produce disproportionate amount of scholars. E.g., Stanford has a small class but produced 5 grads who got jobs this year (so far). That seems just as impressive as Harvard's numbers, right? Forgive me if my analysis if out of whack.

Posted by: - | Apr 10, 2011 6:12:33 PM

University of Missouri is delighted to welcome four new colleagues:

Carli Conklin, JD Virginia 2003, MA Virginia, PhD (expected 2011) Virginia (Legal History). Specializing in Early American Legal History, Dispute Resolution

Erin Morrow Hawley, JD Yale 2006, U.S. Supreme Court (C.J. Roberts), U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit (J. Wilkinson). Specializing in Agricultural, Environmental, Tax

Joshua D. Hawley, JD Yale 2006, U.S. Supreme Court (C.J. Roberts), U.S. Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit (J. McConnell). Specializing in Constitutional Law, Legal History

Ben Trachtenberg, JD Columbia 2005, MA University of Limerick (International Studies), Mitchell Scholar, U.S. Court of Appeals Second Circuit (J. Cabranes). Specializing in Crim Law/Pro, Evidence

Posted by: Paul Litton | Apr 10, 2011 3:11:53 PM

Northwestern has hired Joshua Kleinfeld (JD, Yale; PhD in Philosophy, Goethe University Frankfurt (expected); 4th Circuit Clerkship, J. Harvie Wilkinson; D.C. Circuit Clerkship, Janice Brown; Olin/Searle Fellow).

Posted by: JSK | Apr 8, 2011 4:27:29 AM

UConn Law School has made two great entry-level hires:

Dalié Jiménez, JD Harvard 2009; bankruptcy and commercial law

James Kwak, JD Yale 2011, PhD (History), University of California, Berkeley 1997; business organizations, banking and securities regulation; co-author (with Simon Johnson of MIT) of Thirteen Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown (Pantheon, 2010); blogger at baselinescenario.com

Posted by: Peter Lindseth | Apr 7, 2011 9:10:42 AM

Wisconsin's entry-level hire:

Cecelia Klingele
J.D. Wisconsin 2005
Clerkships: W.D. Wis. (Crabb), CA11 (Black), SCOTUS (Stevens)
VAP Wisconsin
Specializing in criminal law, criminal procedure, and criminal justice administration

Posted by: Darian Ibrahim | Apr 6, 2011 3:44:39 PM

Craig Martin, hired by Washburn. Other info for the spreadsheet as follows: JD '97 U Toronto; LL.M. Osaka Univ.; S.J.D. U Pennsylvania; ad hoc fellowship at U Penn.; VAP at U Baltimore. Area int'l law and comparative con law.

Posted by: Craig Martin | Apr 6, 2011 1:59:09 PM

Mike Kagan, hired by UNLV Boyd School of Law into the Immigration Clinic, JD Michigan 2000, Senior Fellow in Human Rights Law at American University in Cairo 2007-09, Instructor at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law 2004-06 (Refugee Rights Clinic), Adjunct at American University in Cairo (Forced Migration and Refugee Studies) 2002-03. Main areas of scholarly interest: Refugee Law and Human Rights Law.

Addie Rolnick, hired by UNLV Boyd School of Law, JD UCLA 2004 (with Concentration in Critical Race Studies), MA UCLA 2007 (American Indian Studies), UCLA Critical Race Studies Law Teaching Fellow 2009-11, Adjunct at American University 2005. Main areas of scholarly interest: Federal Indian Law and Race and the Law/Critical Race Theory.

Posted by: Rachel Anderson | Apr 6, 2011 1:39:31 PM

Deborah Pearlstein (JD Harvard; BA Cornell) hired at Cardozo.

Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 6, 2011 12:02:23 PM

I'm thrilled to be joining the faculty at the University of Utah College of Law. Here's my info:

Michael Teter, JD Yale Law School, 2002, VAP Pomona College (Dept. of Politics). Research and teaching interests: Legislation & Constitutional Law

Posted by: MJT | Apr 6, 2011 10:49:38 AM

For Anon | Apr 1, 2011 4:12:22 AM --

Penn State has apparently been turned down by everyone to whom they made an offer. Anyone at Penn State with information to the contrary, feel free to post.

Posted by: anotheranon | Apr 6, 2011 9:38:44 AM

I am proud to announce that the University of Mississippi has hired Tucker Carrington to a tenure-track position as Director of the Mississippi Innocence Project. Tucker has been Director of the MIP since its creation, but we have made the position a tenure-track position,and selected Tucker after a national search. We are extremely lucky to have him. His information is:


I should add that this is the second tenure-track position we have created for clinical faculty in the past 3 years.

Posted by: Richard Gershon | Apr 5, 2011 9:21:03 PM

Capital hired Fenner Stewart, Ph.D. (candidate), Osgoode Hall, University of Toronto; LL.M. and LL.B., University of British Columbia (2004 and 2001). Post-doctoral Research Fellow/Visiting Scholar, Columbia Law and Centre for Business Research (Cambridge, UK). Adjunct at Osgoode Hall. Main area of interest: corporate theory.

Posted by: Cesar Cuauhtemoc Garcia Hernandez | Apr 5, 2011 5:38:33 PM

Mercer University School of Law:

Jessica Feinberg, J.D. Wash U. '08, 10th Circuit Clerkship, Fellow at Tulane University Law School. Contracts and Family Law.

Posted by: JRF | Apr 4, 2011 3:28:37 PM

Ryan T. Williams
Hired by Western State University College of Law
JD Georgetown '04,
Teaching Fellow at California Western School of Law, 2009 - 2011
National Security Law, Civil & Criminal Procedure, Ethics

Posted by: Ryan Williams | Apr 4, 2011 1:27:22 PM

Boris Mamlyuk, hired by University of Memphis, School of Law. JD - California (Hastings) 2005; Ph.D. (comparative law) - University of Torino (April 2011 expected); JSD - Cornell, expected. VAP, Ohio Northern University. Specializing in Contracts & Sales and Russian law.

Posted by: bnm | Apr 4, 2011 1:24:32 PM

Perhaps this post should be bumped up to the top to get even more reports.

Posted by: anon | Apr 4, 2011 12:04:15 PM

Both the Bigelow Fellows on the market this year have now accepted positions:

Chicago has hired Anthony Casey (JD Chicago 2002), Bigelow Fellowship at Chicago, 7th Circuit Clerkship (Flaum). Areas: Corporations, Bankruptcy, Securities Regulation, Civil Procedure

Toronto has hired Anthony Niblett (Law Degree - Univ. of Melbourne 2002), Bigelow Fellowship at Chicago, PhD in Economics (Harvard 2009). Areas: Judicial Behavior, Law & Economics, Contracts

Posted by: Lior | Apr 3, 2011 3:11:04 PM

University of Pittsburgh School of Law has hired Jasmine Gonzales Rose, Harvard Law 2004. 6th Circuit Clerkship. Visitor at Cal Western this year.

Posted by: Larry Frolik | Apr 1, 2011 4:58:06 PM

University of Tulsa has hired:
Rob Weber
-- JD, Michigan, 2005
-- Law Clerk, U.S. Ct. Int'l Trade
-- Westerfield Fellow, Loyola Univ. New Orleans
-- corporate, securities, financial reg., secured trans.

Posted by: anon | Apr 1, 2011 3:38:56 PM

Does anyone know if Penn State ended up making any hires?

Posted by: Anon | Apr 1, 2011 4:12:22 AM

For Mike Frakes (Cornell) already list, add that he was a Petrie-Flom Fellow at Harvard Law School for 2 years.
Also Illinois has hired my other fellow, Melissa Wasserman
PhD (Chemical Engineering) Princeton
Clerkship: Fed. Cir, Judge Moore.
Fellowship: Harvard Law School, Petrie-Flom Fellowship
Specialty: Patent law, food and drug law, biotechnology

Posted by: I. Glenn Cohen | Mar 30, 2011 10:05:32 PM

Re the Georgia/Larry Thompson hire: I couldn't figure out from that story (or any easily Googled source) whether he's going to be a tenure-track professor. Once I get confirmation on that, I will add him to the spreadsheet (if appropriate).

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Mar 29, 2011 6:00:59 PM

Drexel University has hired:

Deborah Gordon, JD NYU, 1992 (Editor-in-Chief, NYU Law Review)
Law Clerk, EDNY
VAP, Drexel University

Posted by: Dan Filler | Mar 29, 2011 5:24:38 PM

So far, approximately 40% of hires announced here are female. Not an analysis, just an observation.

Posted by: anonagain | Mar 29, 2011 1:52:47 PM

According to the ABA Journal, Georgia has hired former Pepsi GC Larry Thompson as a professor:


Posted by: AnonProf | Mar 29, 2011 12:50:21 PM

American University Washington College of Law made two entry-level hires.

Jonas Anderson, JD Harvard 2006, Microsoft Fellow, Berkeley, Federal Circuit clerkship (specializing in patent law).

Jorge Contreras, JD Harvard 1991, Senior Lecturer in Law, Wash U, former partner at Wilmer Hale, Texas Supreme Court (specializing in IP licensing and law and science).

Posted by: Michael Carroll | Mar 29, 2011 10:18:28 AM

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