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Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Tri For Gey 5!
Long-time readers of this blog know about the heroic defiance of my colleague, Steve Gey, against ALS (aka Lou Gehrig's) disease. I just received this email from one of favorite former students, Kristie Klein, who has been a terrific friend to Steve and a relentless foe of ALS. Please live and give generously.
Despite being told in 2006 that he only had three years to live, Professor Gey has defied the odds and continues his battle against ALS. Gey fights on, We fight on - and on April 9, 2011, I'll be competing in the TRI-FOR-GEY-FIVE … yes, that’s right, our fifth year of Tri For Gey! In honor of Professor Gey, and the Tri For Gey Five team, please consider donating $5 to the Professor Steven G. Gey Endowment for Civil Liberties. To do so, follow these three steps:
(1) Go to: https://foundation.fsu.edu/community/SSLPage.aspx?pid=815&srcid=838.
(2) Under the "Designation" drop down menu, choose “Gey Endowment for Civil Liberties”
(3) For tribute information, please indicate that you're donating "in honor of" me or any of the other awesome members of Team Gey.
Professor Gey will see the names of everyone who donates – and now, more than ever, it’s important that we show him some support.
Posted by Administrators on March 1, 2011 at 03:08 PM in Funky FSU | Permalink
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