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Friday, February 18, 2011
All Dogs Go to Harvard
The sun came out and the temperature hit 60 degrees F. The faculty meeting was yesterday. Unbelievably, the students attending the SPILG auction last night bid the contribution of dinner with Alene and me at a nice restaurant in the North End up to somewhere between $550 and $675 (I heard both numbers in the hall today; my guess is that if it had been dinner with just Alene and not me, it would have broken $1,000.)
So Max and I decided to celebrate a little by taking advantage of the lovely day. We put down the contracts class prep (mutual and unilateral mistake - he was helping format the PowerPoint) and took a walk down to Harvard Square.
When you are walking with a handsome dog, everybody is your friend. I wish I had figured that out when I was twenty.
I decided to see what Max thought about the idea of law school, so we stopped by the first one we could find. He thought those shrubs over there at left were just first rate. And he was okay with Socratic method and formalism, no matter what the realists and the Crits had to say about it.
But when we crossed the campus and saw this school had a Pound, he got a little freaked out. I tried to explain it was a Roscoe, but that didn't seem to mollify him. I'm pretty sure he's decided, like Dad, he'd really rather be a Stanford dog.
Posted by Jeff Lipshaw on February 18, 2011 at 05:42 PM | Permalink
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I just have to object that as stupid as Max may be, I seriously doubt he can contend with my dog when it comes to pure, unadulterated thickness. My dog spent an afternoon growling at a snowman (and he was right next to it). He got his paw caught under the dishwasher twice in one day. This week he ate an entire loaf of bread, which caused problems better left undiscussed. When he recovered, he ate another entire loaf of bread.
Posted by: Mark A. Edwards | Feb 19, 2011 10:41:46 PM
What, did Max turn down Yale?
Posted by: Orin Kerr | Feb 18, 2011 10:48:52 PM
What this article doesn't mention is that Max is also really, really extraordinarily stupid. Like, even for a dog.
Posted by: Arielle Lipshaw | Feb 18, 2011 9:59:42 PM
Yeah, I know, dog pictures are about as shameless as you can get for a little attention. Max is of uncertain parentage. Definitely some lab in there. He has the black tongue of a chow, but not a bit of chow personality; he's Mister Mellow. Somebody rode by on a bike the other day and said "Belgian Shepherd," and I think that might be, but my wife disagrees.
Posted by: Jeff Lipshaw | Feb 18, 2011 6:28:07 PM
awww . . . what breed is Max? His face looks like a lab, but those ears are something else.
Posted by: Mark A. Edwards | Feb 18, 2011 6:20:51 PM
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