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Monday, January 31, 2011


February is nigh and so it is time to extend thanks to our January visitors, most of whom deserve special thanks for filling in for us in a pinch. Some of them will linger as they get some last posts off their collective chest, but it is also time now for us to welcome our new and returning voices for the month of February. 

Making their Prawfs debut are Jill Goldenziel (a Climenko at HLS) and Shima Baradaran from Brigham Young University. And returning back to the fold are a number of friendly and familiar faces: Bruce Boyden and Michael O'Hear, both from Marquette; Marc DeGirolami, from St. John's; Jeff Lipshaw from Suffolk; Brian Galle from Boston College (sniffle, sniffle); and Tung Yin from Lewis & Clark. Welcome all. We look forward to your visit!

Posted by Administrators on January 31, 2011 at 09:03 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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