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Tuesday, September 07, 2010
oh... and, by the way, hello!
Hello, all, and thanks very much to Dan Markel and the rest of the Prawfs crew for having me back on Prawfsblawg. I write on social justice issues in disaster law and policy and look forward to discussing some of my work in this area with you. At the moment, I’m researching women in the context of disaster as well as corporate entities and their role in development and disaster recovery. I also have a particular fascination with riots and will be seeking your thoughts on ways to protect our urban centers from harm.
Earlier, I let fly a post on multilingual disaster warnings before properly introducing myself – my apologies for jumping the gun! Since then, I’ve also posted brief comments on the FCC Blog and the Commission’s Electronic Comment Filing System about the importance of alerting language minorities in the United States about pending disasters and other emergencies. If you’ve thoughts on this topic, I encourage you to let me (or the Commission) know. Feel free to post in English or whatever language moves you.
Posted by Susan Kuo on September 7, 2010 at 04:25 PM | Permalink
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