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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Creating a Conference from Scratch
Tomorrow Wash U and SLU will be hosting the Fifth Annual Labor and Employment Law Colloquium. It's a terrific event, with close to 70 presenters, and I'm very excited to be one of the hosts.
The event itself is a testament to the power of a good idea and hard work by a few folks -- in this case, Scott Moss, Joe Slater, and Paul Secunda. Here's the original post by Scott that prompted the conference, and here's his follow-up post. I think it's a great example of what a few prawfs can do when they put their mind to it.
Posted by Matt Bodie on September 23, 2010 at 10:09 PM in Blogging, Employment and Labor Law, Workplace Law | Permalink
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It was a great conference. This was the first year that I was able to attend, and I thought that every aspect of it was excellent.
Posted by: Emily Gold Waldman | Sep 26, 2010 8:30:10 PM
Thanks again to Paul and Scott for doing so much work and then giving me equal credit. And this year's conference was great -- thanks to the Wash. U. and St. Louis U. folks!
Posted by: Joseph Slater | Sep 26, 2010 7:22:01 PM
More evidence of how good an idea this is - it served as the model for the AALS ADR Section's Works-in-Progress Conference, which is now in its 4th year.
Posted by: Art | Sep 24, 2010 6:46:18 PM
wish i could be there with you guys! loved co-organizing the conference when we held it in San Diego. say hello to all the gang.
Posted by: Orly Lobel | Sep 24, 2010 2:05:08 PM
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