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Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Perfect Gift for the Law Professor in Your Life

Father's Day is just a few days away. And Mother's Day was recent enough that the regrets are still fresh. (I let my five-year-old son buy a red light bulb for Mom.)

And I probably won't be guest blogging in December.

So the time is ripe for this question: What are the best gifts for law professors?

Please provide your answers in the comments below.

Here are some of my thoughts:


Hmmm. Okay. That's all my thoughts. I ran out of gas pretty fast.

My wife just chimed in to say "pretty lame." That's weird — she sure acted like the light bulb was cool. And these wipeboard markers are way cooler than a light bulb.

Posted by Eric E. Johnson on June 17, 2010 at 11:46 PM | Permalink


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Offered in the entrepreneurial spirit of the internet, a gift suggestion that will pay me royalties and bring a smile to the face of your law prof . . . a book of funny and amusing law review articles edited by three post-tenure profs with way too much time on their hands:

Amicus Humoriae: An Anthology of of Legal Humor (Jarvis, Baker & McClurg, eds. 2003) $25. 272 pages. ISBN 10-0-89089-410-8.

Published by Carolina Academic Press:

Also available on Amazon.com.

Posted by: Thomas E. Baker | Jun 18, 2010 10:15:50 AM

I want this. Maybe not for Father's Day, but I want it. I hate when the cap pops off the back end of the marker . . .

Posted by: Howard Wasserman | Jun 18, 2010 1:08:20 AM

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