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Monday, June 21, 2010
PrawfsPuzzler: Flip-Flop Puzzles
Using the clues provided, complete the blanks below to create a chain of words, where the next word in the series is formed by adding, deleting, or changing a single letter from the word before. So, for the clue "a musical floor swab," the answer could be "HIP HOP MOP." For "despise discussion of headwear," the answer could be "HATE HAT CHAT." Got it? Now try these prawf-themed flip-flop puzzles:
an A+ in the spring semester for a 3L:
citing to an overruled case in the footnotes:
coastal real estate in fee simple with no easements or covenants, in the eyes of a grumpy property prawf:
Posted by Eric E. Johnson on June 21, 2010 at 05:13 PM in Games | Permalink
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