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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hasta La Vista Amigos
It's time for me to sign off. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to guest blawg again. My sincere thanks to everyone.
I am leaving with the feeling that I've left at least one thing unfinished. I got so much flak for one post I did, Federal Law Should Require Online Availability of Instruction Manuals, that I'm going to have to save a rebuttal for my own blog, Pixelization. Wow, I guess not everyone likes the idea of helpful new federal laws. Hmmm, maybe you'll change your mind after I make some additional points ...
Let me also express special gratitude to PrawfsBlawg for a stint I did back in the fall of 2008. A single post I started about the legal aspects of black holes and particle-physics research turned into a series of five posts, and then that series of posts turned into a 35,000-word law review article, which I published a few months ago (here are links to some press about it and an update on the has-the-danger-passed question). That law review article in turn lengthened into a second law review article, which I hope to publish in the not-to-distant future. All of that work has been tremendously rewarding, and I owe it all to PrawfsBlawg for providing this very special platform.
Take care, and have a great summer.
Posted by Eric E. Johnson on June 30, 2010 at 11:52 PM | Permalink
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