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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Law & Society: Judges as Umpires, Umpires as Judges

For those of you attending Law and Society this weekend: On Thursday morning at 8:15, I will be doing a roundtable discussion called Judges as Umpires, Umpires as Judges: Rethinking the Metaphor. We will explore the silly judge-as-umpire metaphor, instant replay, the nature of judging and sports officiating, and other links between judging and sports. The panel includes moderator Mark Graber (Maryland), Mitchell Berman (Texas), Chad Oldfather (Marquette, former Guest Prawf), Aaron Zelinksy (recent Yale grad and likely future prawf), and me.

It should be a great discussion and I hope any early-risers will stop by. I hope to post the audio here next week.

Plus, don't forget Happy Hour on Thursday evening. And on Friday afternoon I can be found at Wrigley Field for the first time since 2001--far too long.

Posted by Howard Wasserman on May 25, 2010 at 08:49 PM in Howard Wasserman | Permalink


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While I'm thrilled to see further recognition for my classmate's YLJ Online piece on the umpire metaphor, I feel compelled to point out that his last name is actually spelled Zelinsky.

Posted by: Recent YLS grad | May 27, 2010 5:43:04 PM

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