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Friday, May 28, 2010

Is This Legal?

I used to work for a CEO who would regularly observe some oddity in the world and then walk into my office with the question: "is this legal?"

Yesterday, I flew from Traverse City, Michigan to Chicago for the Law & Society meeting via United Express on a regional jet.  The first officer did the usual announcement, and I won't get the names right, but you will get the point. "Our captain today is Paul Davis, and I'm First Officer Tracy Jones Davis."  I was sitting in the second row, and I asked the flight attendant, "Is that a married couple flying the plane?"  She said, "yes."  I said, "Is that legal?"

Howard Wasserman, who I finally met in person at the Prawfs gathering in the bar last night, on hearing this story, wondered if they had the usual arguments about directions, and whether they should stop to ask.

Posted by Jeff Lipshaw on May 28, 2010 at 08:14 AM in Odd World | Permalink


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