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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Did They Run This By the Lawyers?
I was opening up a new box of Cetaphil soap (I need to baby my very tender skin) and I noticed a couple of odd things. First, the soap is "non-comedogenic." I thought that meant it wouldn't make me grow into a comedian (or make me any funnier than I am, which would be unbearable). But, no, it means it won't clog my pores. Second, there are directions for use as follows: "Apply to skin while bathing or washing. Rinse." Really!
Posted by Jeff Lipshaw on May 25, 2010 at 06:19 PM in Odd World | Permalink
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No, they didn't, or it would also warn you that it is slippery.
Posted by: anon | May 27, 2010 8:47:03 PM
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