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Friday, April 02, 2010
Good to be Back and Bilski Redux (Again) [Maybe]
Thanks again to Prawfs for having me back this month. This is my fourth stint as a guest blogger - time flies!
I won't have much to say until next week, as I'm house hunting with the family in Pennsylvania this week. I'll blog a bit about that and other thoughts lateraling that may be of interest.
I also plan to blog about a couple articles I've been working on, and with any luck, the Supreme Court will rule on Bilski v. Kappos this month. My timing has been uncanny with respect to that case, as I was a guest blogger when the Federal Circuit ruled, when the Court granted cert, and when the oral argument was held. If the opinion issues this month, I'll be batting 1.000. Stay tuned!
Posted by Michael Risch on April 2, 2010 at 08:54 AM in Weblogs | Permalink
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