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Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Final Thoughts on "Ordering the City"
Many thanks to all who contributed to our book club for Nicole Stelle Garnett's "Ordering the City" for an extremely thoughtful and rewarding discussion. If you missed any of the posts, here's a recap:
- Ben Barros, Complexity and the City
- Tracey Meares, Meares on "Ordering the City"
- Chris Serkin, Ordering the City
- Lee Fennell, Ordering the City
- Stephen Clowney, Order and the Poor
- Michelle Wilde Anderson, Ordering the City
- Nicole Stelle Garnett, Ordering the City, Redux
- Michelle Wilde Anderson, The Purposes of Planning (the Good Kind): Ordering the City Part II
If you want to chime in, feel free to join in the comments. And thanks again to our terrific contributors.
Posted by Matt Bodie on March 24, 2010 at 09:36 PM in Books | Permalink
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