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Sunday, November 01, 2009
Hello Again (again) and Bilski Redux (Again)
Thanks to the Prawfs folks for having me back (again). The timing is eerily coincidental again - when I guested the first time last October, the Federal Circuit's en banc decision on patentable subject matter issued just as I was blogging about Everything is Patentable, my patentable subject matter article.
Then, when I guested in April, the Supreme Court granted cert. in the Bilski case. I've since co-authored an amicus brief in that case.
Now, for my third stint, oral argument in Bilski v. Kappos is scheduled for Nov. 9. While the timing was unplanned (I committed to guest some five months ago), it is welcome. I plan on attending argument and will blog about it here.
I also plan to blog about the meat market FRC this weekend, a couple projects I'm working on, and some general scholarship and teaching topics. I look forward to your comments in all these areas, but that's all for this initial post -- the rotations haven't even been announced yet!
Posted by Michael Risch on November 1, 2009 at 06:15 PM in Intellectual Property | Permalink
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Yeah - could be tough. I am a member of the Supreme Court bar, though, which should help, and I have nothing else to do that day, so I plan to arrive very early.
Posted by: Michael Risch | Nov 1, 2009 7:35:08 PM
Bilski should be for patent lawyers what Grokster was for copyright lawyers. Good luck getting in.
Posted by: Bruce Boyden | Nov 1, 2009 6:47:03 PM
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