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Monday, August 03, 2009


I've been a bit, um, occupied the last few days so I apologize for the delay in getting this up, but I wanted to use the occasion of the new month to thank all the wonderful guests we've had in the past month; some of them may linger as they get a few last things off their chest, and I think Jonathan Simon will be staying on the whole month. Second, I also wanted to welcome for the first time to Prawfs Jody Lynn Madeira from Indiana U (Bloomington), and also welcome back a stellar group of folks: Verity Winship (Cardozo); Bennett Capers (Hofstra); Jessie Hill (Case Western); and Miranda Perry Fleischer (Colorado). In the past, it's not every month, I know, where we have women prawfs as 80% of our guests but I hope that will be the case in the future.  For what it's worth, this month's list, like the rest of our guest list, turned out to be based largely on the choice of the guests when I fill out the schedule and hear from people interested. (I hope to find some time to change the guests list soon; my apologies in advance for that.)

I will largely be on survival mode this month with our newborn and trying to help my coauthors push out a couple of pieces so forgive my silence on the blog. Happy August and if you're Canadian, Happy Family Day!

Update: Miranda's had some last minute but very legitimate distractions from blogging come up this month so we'll hope to see her here very soon. 

Posted by Administrators on August 3, 2009 at 11:05 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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That's funny that you said Happy Family Day to us canadians because right before going to this page I was curious exactly what holiday we have today (I, with most my friends, refer to it unofficially as August long weekend). I thought it was Family Day but that turns out to be in February. It is Civic Holiday nationally which is in turn referred to as Heritage Day here in Alberta, where I reside.

Anyway, thank you for the good tidings and enjoy your American workday.

Posted by: Richard Nerland | Aug 3, 2009 7:06:12 PM

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