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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Welcome to the World, Military Commission Reporter

Later this fall, I hope to post a series of reflections on the pending revisions to the military commissions process, especially the bills pending in both the House and Senate that would substantially revise (and in my view, improve) the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (to be fair, it could only go in one direction).

In the interim, though, I'm very pleased to note the publication of a new (unofficial) reporter of every military commission decision rendered under the MCA, put together by the folks at the National Institute for Military Justice.  For more on the reporter (including a PDF of Volume 1 in its entirety), see here. This is a fantastic resource for those who write about these decisions, none of which have been previously compiled in such a readily accessible form (indeed, many of the decisions in the Reporter were not previously available in any electronic forum).

I leave it to y'all, though, to figure out its proper Bluebook citation form. :-)

Posted by Steve Vladeck on July 22, 2009 at 09:59 PM in Constitutional thoughts, Current Affairs, Steve Vladeck, Teaching Law | Permalink


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P.S. As a citation format I recommend, e.g., United States v. Vladeck, 1 M.C. 1 (2008).

Posted by: Eugene R. Fidell | Aug 16, 2009 2:21:28 PM

Thanks to Steve Vladeck for this generous post. The National Institute of Military Justice staff worked overtime to assemble this collection--it took far more effort than would have been required if the Defense Department had a minimally user-friendly website. We are grateful to counsel who made decisions available to us. If readers of this blog come into possession of other decisions of the military commissions and the Court of Military Commission Review, please send them to us. We have made a FOIA request, but DoD has denied expedited consideration.

Posted by: Eugene R. Fidell | Aug 15, 2009 6:38:17 PM

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