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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Options, but not yet freedom: Happy 4th of July!

As someone who received his green card in the mail literally yesterday, I just wanted to take a moment to note that auspicious arrival and wish all our readers a Happy Fourth of July. In three years or so, I should finally be well en route to citizenship (after almost 20 years of living in the US disenfranchised). Of course, that still means I can be easily deported if I misbehave too much in the interim. But now that my status is no longer tethered to my job, I can finally take on that second gig as a Starbucks barista and learn the difference between the latte and cappucino. Enjoy the fireworks tonight and travel safely.

Posted by Administrators on July 4, 2009 at 06:50 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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Dan, I feel it's my duty as your friend to keep you safe from the evil green apron. A latte is a little bit of espresso with lots of milk, a cappuccino is equal parts espresso, milk, and foam. Booyah.

Posted by: Zak Kramer | Jul 5, 2009 6:23:50 PM

Here's for amending the constitution to allow Dan (and Arnold) to run for President.

Posted by: Jonathan Simon | Jul 4, 2009 8:20:50 PM

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