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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Introducing Tablet

One of my favorite gateways to Jewish cultural and literary trends over the last few years has been via Nextbook, which I've linked to repeatedly here at Prawfs (and also on Facebook). Happily, Nextbook has been re-branded and re-launched as Tablet, edited by Alana Newhouse and assisted by a cast of wonderful, quirky, and thoughtful writers (including former Prawfs guest Jay Michaelson).  You can still find the amazing collection of books published by Nextbook over here, but for a daily fix, I highly recommend adding Tablet's blog, The Scroll, to your RSS feed. If this past week's content is a good predictor of future trajectories, we're in excellent shape. Here's a taste of some of what's been on the menu recently:

  • Allison Hoffman's feature on casting Hasidic (looking) actors for Broadway and Hollywood 
  •         Mark Oppenheimer's incisive analysis of where James von Brunn fits into the landscape of                 America antisemitism 
  •         An essay by Adam Kirsch, one of our generation's most distinguished critics, on George Eliot 

Posted by Administrators on June 14, 2009 at 07:08 PM in Deliberation and voices | Permalink


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