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Monday, May 04, 2009


With the new month, we have a great new cast of contributors with both fresh and returning voices. For the first time here, we have Eugene Kontorovich (Northwestern), Kelly Anders (Washburn) and Marc Degirolami (Catholic en route to St Johns).  And returning, we have Jessie Hill (Case); Bill Araiza (now at Brooklyn); Marc Blitz (Okl City); and Chad Oldfather (Marquette).

In addition, some of our guests from April will be lingering. In the meantime, I extend them all my thanks for their contributions.

Later this month and early next month, I'll be putting together the schedule for the second half of the year here at Prawfs. If you're a rising prawf or even an old-hand, please let me know if you're interested in coming aboard for a month; we ask our guests to blog with us for about 2-4 posts a week.  It's important to us that our space be one where folks of different views and backgrounds feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and having them engaged, so if you know of someone, including yourself, who might be good for us, please let me or one of the other permaprawfs know!

Last, and related, as some of you know, we just had a really successful Prawfsfest! here in Tallahassee. My thanks to all those who joined us from far and near, and to our deans and administrative support who helped us pull it off. Our hope is that we will be able to draw on some of the new voices to the Prawfs discussion to join the workshops in public law and legal theory in the future.

Posted by Administrators on May 4, 2009 at 12:35 PM | Permalink


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