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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Reality Imitating Art, or Vice Versa?

I just saw an interesting question on The Chronicle of Higher Education’s site about fictional professors that have served as influences in the lives of actual faculty. Much like L.A. Law or Boston Legal may have inspired people to go to law school, there are certain teachers and professors on television and in films who probably inspired us to go to the Head of the Class. Personally, I was more inspired by the depictions of teachers in other disciplines than I was in characters portraying law professors. They seemed more accessible than the typical law professors, who are often depicted as cold, judgmental, and intimidating. (In fact, I can’t think of a friendly one.) Who are some of the best teachers on television and the big screen? Are these depictions realistic?

Posted by Kelly Anders on May 21, 2009 at 02:16 PM in Film | Permalink


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Pete Dixon from "Room 222" gets my vote.

Posted by: Charlie Martel | May 21, 2009 7:05:04 PM

A while back, moved by some late-night TV watching, I mused on Facebook that my model of the professorial life, apparently lodged deep in my unconscious, turns out to have been Peter O'Toole in Creator.

Posted by: Paul Horwitz | May 21, 2009 3:25:27 PM

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