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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
One Small Victory
I don't have strong views about the merits of President Obama's decision to nominate Judge Sotomayor to the Court. But I am pleased that now she will not be defined by the speculation that's swirled around her over the last few weeks. I don't know her, and don't know her judicial work, but she's obviously highly accomplished with an extraordinary personal story. It's unfortunate that in our political culture it's normal for such accomplished people to be mentioned as a candidate for a high position, only to be brought down before that person has had a chance to speak for herself. Instead of going down in history as the judge who was deemed not smart enough to be on the Court, without any chance to rebut that charge on the national stage, she will now get her chance. Regardless of what one thinks of her work or her politics or even her suitability for the Court, that's a small victory for decency that should please everyone.
Posted by Bill Araiza on May 26, 2009 at 10:21 AM | Permalink
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