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Friday, May 22, 2009

Advice for Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market

Thanks to a great resource by Michael Risch (WVA), one of our past and future guests, I thought I'd reprise some of the links people have found helpful in the past regarding the process of getting a teaching job in law.

TeachLaw-Resources for Lawyers Who Want to Be Law Professors (external link) (cache)
Considering Law Teaching - Cornell (external link) (cache)
Leiter's Law School Reports: Professional Advice (external link) (cache)
Leiter: Law school hiring practices (external link) (cache)
Concurring opinions: Law School Hiring (external link) (cache)
PrawfsBlawg: Teaching Law (external link) (cache)
Conglomerate Blog on law schools and lawyering (external link) (cache)
Becoming a law professor - Eric Goldman (external link) (cache)
Goldman blogswarm (external link) (cache)
So you want to be a law professor? (external link) (cache)
Instapundit (external link) (cache)
Bainbridge on conservatives in the legal academy (external link) (cache)
Law Crossing (external link) (cache)
Paul Caron on Teaching Fellowships (external link) (cache)
Daryl Levinson on the academic market (external link) (cache)
Jeff Lipshaw - How Not To Retire and Teach (external link)
Eric Goldman - Bibliography for New Law Professors (external link) (cache)
Madison on the Meat Market (external link) (cache)
Madison on the process (external link) (cache)
More from Madison (external link) (cache)
Gordon Smith - So you want to be a law professor (external link) (cache)

Posted by Administrators on May 22, 2009 at 10:06 AM in Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market | Permalink


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Having been on both sides of the hiring process, I now look at all of the various comments and see a bit of an information gap. Disclaimer: I have not looked at all of the links above so if one or more contain this information - please forgive. It seems to me that a valuable poll of hiring committees would be "what do you look for on the FAR?" After all, with 600+ in the first distribution I never look at a Resume unless they make it past two screenings: mine and then the committee's. I don't have time and few committee members have time to download and review 600+ resumes. So, WHAT makes a candidate stand out? I suspect 100 people will give 100 different answers. Nonetheless, I think candidates might find such information useful.

Posted by: Syd Beckman | Aug 25, 2009 11:18:10 AM

The Wall Street Journal wrote an article about 3 technologies that are replacing Monster, careerbuilder etc, interesting stuff.


Posted by: david | Jun 7, 2009 12:57:51 PM

Note that this page is a wiki - I'd be happy to update with any links people have, or you can register and add yourself.

Posted by: Michael Risch | May 22, 2009 7:34:42 PM

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