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Monday, April 13, 2009
MLR's Annual Book Review Issue
The Faculty Lounge has an interesting post up about the Michigan Law Review's annual book review issue, which this year is considerably smaller than recent years' issues have been. One thing the post doesn't note that I think is worth pointing out is that this year's issue is almost entirely (there are a couple of exceptions) devoted to public law-oriented books.
Posted by Paul Horwitz on April 13, 2009 at 02:59 PM in Paul Horwitz | Permalink
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Interesting comment. I'm curious, though, why are cites the name of the game? Maybe this is a silly question, as I have heard this before from editors, but I'm kind if curious why that's the case from your perspective.
Posted by: Orin Kerr | Apr 14, 2009 12:13:39 AM
I think you're right that law reviews without book reviews and other short, readable content aren't great publications in and of themselves, and I also think the Westlaw-ization theory is probably correct. I'm an articles editor on a law review this year, and when I think about the amount of work that would have to go in to making an issue really sparkle as a thing of its own, I realize that it would be substantial, as in hours and hours. And what would all that hard work get us? A great paper issue, sure, but who reads the paper issues? They certainly don't account for the bulk of our cites, and that, unfortunately, is the name of the game.
We on the law review are essentially putting our imprimatur on a clutch of articles and notes, and hoping that those pieces get cited. But they're going to be read, overwhelmingly, on Westlaw and HeinOnline, not in paper. So instead of spending a bunch of time soliciting book reviews or other offbeat content, I think I'll study for my bankruptcy exam.
Posted by: sehi | Apr 13, 2009 10:39:12 PM
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