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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nell Jessup Newton to Notre Dame Law School

I am happy to report the news that the new dean of Notre Dame Law School is Nell Jessup Newton.  (Notre Dame's gain is, I know, my PrawfsPal Ethan's loss.  The announcement also means, I hope, that I will get to see the lovely and talented Nicole Stelle Garnett, who was on the hard-working dean-search committee, more often.)  

Once upon a time, when I imagined myself a potential scholar of Federal Indian Law, I had a chance to read and benefit from her important work in the field.  (I'm counting on her to bring me back up to speed!)  Dean Newton has a great reputation as an energetic, empowering, and creative dean, and I am looking forward to working with her, as she puts her many talents to work at making my law school the outstanding, distinctively Catholic, and (therefore) interesting place that it should be!

Posted by Rick Garnett on March 31, 2009 at 12:51 PM in Life of Law Schools | Permalink


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