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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Is Working for House Like Clerking?
For those of you who watch the television show "House," do you feel like those people who work for House are kind of like law clerks working for a judge? I mean, I realize there are some important differences. For example, the people who work for House are doctors, while the people who work for judges tend to be law clerks. Also, House's workers do things like save lives, while law clerks write memos. But, still, there are some parallels, right? The close knit quarters, the ego stroking, the long hours. And if I'm right that working for House might be like clerking for a judge, then what judge is most like House?
Posted by Jay Wexler on March 18, 2009 at 01:38 PM in Jay Wexler | Permalink
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Not that I didn't love the judge I clerked for, but working for her was also the most humbling experience of my life. Not only was she the most brilliant thinker I've ever known, but she made sure you knew it. At all times.
I still have quasi-nightmares about those days.
Posted by: Anonymous for a reason | Mar 18, 2009 10:55:07 PM
Alex Kozinski or Harry Edwards
Posted by: Howard Wasserman | Mar 18, 2009 2:39:12 PM
Not to mention: valuable credential; relatively low-paying; done by people recently out of school; flexible hours (though, as you say, long). Oh, and House has the final say on treatment (subject to being overruled by Cuddy, or higher appellate authority), but his team has significant early input -- and if we analogize from deciding what the law is to deciding what the diagnosis (or treatment) is, this looks pretty close.
Posted by: joe. | Mar 18, 2009 2:12:06 PM
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