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Monday, February 02, 2009
Good Night and Have a Pleasant Tomorrow
Thanks to Dan for letting me hang here for the last two months. I look forward to coming back. But, for now, I have one less excuse for not finishing my spring projects and managing to make Products Liability interesting at 5 pm on a Monday evening.
I think I can say, as I sign off, that Mr. Areeda would have friended no one on facebook and, if he did, they would have been terrified. I cannot trace the origins of the phrase "see you in the funny papers," but it was uttered by George Bailey's friend Sam Wainwright ("Hee Haw") in "It's a Wonderful Life." suggesting, I think, either the frivolity or the carefree nature of the speaker. Life's just one big comic strip and I'll see you there.
Time to get out of my pajamas and leave the basement.
Posted by Richard Esenberg on February 2, 2009 at 10:26 PM in Blogging | Permalink
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