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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Entry Level Hiring Report at Legal Theory Blog

For those of you with relevant information on the hiring of entry level profs, please visit the Legal Theory blog of our friend Larry Solum to share the info. Larry reports he is going high-tech this year:

This year, I will be using surveymonkey to collect the data. The data elements are similar to prior years. I am collecting information on the candidate's first law degree (JD), other advanced degrees in law or another discipline, practice experience, post-doc's/fellowships/VAPs, and areas of specialization/methodological orientation. Click Here to enter data for the 2009 Entry Level Hiring Report.  The first preliminary results will be reported in about one week.

For those lacking patience, readers of prawfs might be happy to hear that FSU has already made three hires and we are still hoping to hire more. So far, we've hired Tara Grove (HLS, Climenko); Franita Tolson (UChicago, VAP at NW); and Shawn Bayern (Boalt, Duke VAP). Prospective students (and professors) keen to learn more about FSU might want to check out our latest propaganda tool information sharing device. :-)

Posted by Administrators on February 24, 2009 at 08:31 AM in Blogging, Funky FSU | Permalink


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Whoa, Shawn Bayern is a friggin genius. Way to go FSU!!

Posted by: anon | Feb 24, 2009 12:58:45 PM

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