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Monday, January 19, 2009
U Who?
Not to be too much of a party-pooper, but I confess to some ambivalence, with a couple of important caveats, about the triumphalism of yesterday's concert and the substantial involvement of various celebrities in it. In particular, and it may sound odd coming from a Canadian citizen and US permanent resident, but I am ambivalent about the fact that U2 was one of the performing acts yesterday.
Posted by Paul Horwitz on January 19, 2009 at 09:44 AM in Paul Horwitz | Permalink
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I thought U2 was an interesting choice too, but not because the band is foreign. Rather, Bono seems to have a fairly high opinion of George Bush for all his work to improve conditions in Africa.
Posted by: andy | Jan 19, 2009 1:44:01 PM
"Many Western nations, despite their own lack of a recent history of slavery and formal and informal racism, are not even close to electing someone who departs so radically from the traditional backgrounds of their leaders."
Hm - how about women as non traditional leaders? As in Margaret Thatcher or Angela Merkel? Btw, Germany also features a gay leader of the (free market oriented, more or less conservative) "liberal" party, a gay governor (of the city state of Berlin) and a green party leader of turkish descent ...
Or how about Sarkozy? A tiny guy with a funny accent (when he's angry, that is), son of an immigrant from Hungary (and a mother with greek/jewish roots), who never went to an elite university like ENA or "science po" ? If that sounds traditional to you, you have never been to France ... (unless you concentrate on Napoleon ... :-) )
Posted by: Positroll | Jan 19, 2009 11:53:54 AM
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