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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Semester, new ideas

Just back from a fascinating weekend in NOLA, where, among other things, I attended much of this amazing Black-Jewish dialogue group. I came home with a cold, an abiding appreciation for Black Catholic masses, and a belly full of beignets. Clearing out my inbox this morning, I just stumbled upon Simon Stern's thoughtful draft syllabus on law and literature, which he helpfully posted on SSRN here. I know that in the past we've posted some syllabi here on Prawfs under the research canons project. That said, I think it's great that Simon (who now teaches in my hometown of Toronto (pronounced Tchrano)) has uploaded to SSRN his really neat syllabus, which includes HLR notes by Jeannie Suk and Prawfsfest MVP Dave Fagundes. 

If you can suggest a link to a "quirky" course syllabus in the law school curriculum, ie, one that integrates readings from a variety of areas, please share it in the comments. And feel free to nominate your own syllabi in the comments or upload it to SSRN if it's yours.

Posted by Administrators on January 20, 2009 at 09:48 AM in Life of Law Schools, Syllabi Project | Permalink


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