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Friday, January 23, 2009
Legislating the Curriculum: The Podcast
At AALS this year, I was part of a great panel about incorporating legislation and regulation courses into the first-year curriculum. We did a terrible job publicizing the panel -- and the speakers' names weren't included in the main packet. In the event that you have an interest in the subject, the panel's podcast is available here. Here was the description and the list of speakers:
Brudney James J. - Speaker
Driesen David M. - Speaker
Feldblum Chai R. - Moderator
Leib Ethan - Speaker
Mc Donnell Brett H. - Speaker
Stephenson Matthew C. - Speaker
If you need a copy of my recent Journal of Legal Education article on the subject, let me know. Chai Feldblum set up an on-line resource at http://www.law.georgetown.edu/lawmaking/.
Posted by Ethan Leib on January 23, 2009 at 01:42 PM in Ethan Leib | Permalink
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» Integrating legislation and regulation courses into the first-year curriculum from Administrative Law Prof Blog
Ethan Leib (Hastings) has posted links and comments on a panel discussion on this subject at AALS - PrawfsBlawg: Legislating the Curriculum: The Podcast. EMM [Read More]
Tracked on Jan 27, 2009 1:32:38 AM
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