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Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween!

A number of our guests this past month will be sticking around for a bit longer  but I wanted to take a moment to thank all of them for their wonderful contributions. We hope to see you back here soon.

And as the new month begins, we have another exciting group of new and familiar voices to add to our conversation here. Joining  us for the first time are Sonja West from UGA, Ken Simons from Boston U., and Chris Lund from Mississippi College School of Law. And I'm also pleased to welcome back our stalwart guests, Nadine Farid (Gonzaga), Geoff Rapp (Toledo), and Bill Araiza (Loyola en route to Brooklyn).

Welcome one and all!

Posted by Administrators on October 31, 2008 at 04:55 PM in Blogging | Permalink


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