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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Getting a job in the law teaching market

With Labour Day behind us, and all its delusions that summer may still be enjoyed, it's important to address the interests of those on the market for a law teaching job, or those who are thinking of making that move in the next couple years. Past prawfs guest Glenn Cohen (who himself nicely transitioned from a fellowship at HLS to a professorship at HLS) extended lots of advice during his past visits, which I thought I'd gather in one spot for those thinking about making the transition. Also check out Paul Caron's post which aggregates lots of useful links to various programs and resources for aspiring prawfs.

On doing a fellowship
Preparing for the meat market
What to ask before you have an offer
What to ask after you have an offer
I've now created a category archive for this topic, so I ask Prawfs readers and writers to point out in the comments other posts on this site that they've read or written that might be helpful. My guess is that most of them will be either in the Teaching Law category or in the Life of Law Schools category. Thanks!

Posted by Administrators on September 2, 2008 at 08:46 AM in Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market | Permalink


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I'd be curious to know how the general timetable for calling back applicants runs.

Posted by: Ubertrout | Sep 2, 2008 11:09:48 AM

I have compiled these and many other links as well at my site for those interested...


Posted by: Michael | Sep 2, 2008 10:24:31 AM

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