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Monday, September 08, 2008

A 2008 Hiring Chairs Spreadsheet

In addition to the post here, which invites law schools to list who will be hiring chairs of their committees this year, I have recently received an Excel spreadsheet, which provides information for most of the top 100 law schools so far as I can tell. I make no warranties for the matters asserted therein and I have noticed at least one mistake--Leiter's at Chicago but listed on the Texas committee. But if anyone sees a mistake, he or she is welcome to add a correction to the comments to this thread. Signed comments only please.

Posted by Administrators on September 8, 2008 at 09:57 AM in Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market | Permalink


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Syracuse's committee this year: Margaret Harding (chair), Lisa Dolak, Keith Bybee, Terry Turnipseed, Aviva Abramovsky, Jenny Roberts

Posted by: Jenny Roberts | Sep 12, 2008 9:41:22 AM

My comment above is about Wake Forest!

Posted by: Wendy Parker | Sep 9, 2008 11:59:53 AM

The committee listed is last year's committee. This year's committee includes Dean Blake Morant, Associate Dean Ron Wright, Jennifer Collins, Tim Davis, Ralph Peeples, and Simone Rose. Wendy Parker is the chair.

Posted by: Wendy Parker | Sep 9, 2008 11:58:29 AM

Re: Notre Dame: John Nagle is also on the committee. And, Rick Garnett is the vice-chair.

Posted by: Rick Garnett | Sep 8, 2008 5:26:29 PM

Just a few corrections for Saint Louis U.:

(1) The committee listed is last year's committee. Here is this year's committee: Matt Bodie, Chair; Jeffrey Lewis, Dean; Nicolas Terry, Associate Dean; Susan Fitzgibbon (Tonie); Sam Jordan; Eric Miller; Ann Scarlett, Sidney Watson.

(2) My direct line is (314) 977-7507.

Posted by: Matt Bodie | Sep 8, 2008 1:16:52 PM

I would be grateful if someone could provide information about when most schools call candidates to schedule interviews. Is it true that higher-ranked schools tend to call later? Thanks.

Posted by: Anon | Sep 8, 2008 10:37:15 AM

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