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Friday, August 01, 2008


It's the beginning of August  -- and with it some rotations on the Prawfs guest list. This month we're excited to welcome to Prawfs for the first time Verity Winship, a VAP at Cardozo who teaches civ pro and corporations, and is the author of the forthcoming article, tentatively titled, Fair Funds and the Compensation Conundrum.

Let me also welcome back to the conversation our friends: Adil Haque (a rising crim prawf at Rutgers Newark); my beloved FSU colleagues, Lesley Wexler (public int'l law) and Brian "He's funny for a tax guy" Galle (visiting at Georgetown this year); Brooks Holland (crim at Gonzaga); James Grimmelmann (law and technology at NYLS); Bruce Boyden (IP at Marquette); and Adam Kolber (law and neuroethics/crim, San Diego, visiting at Brooklyn this fall).

Finally, a big thanks to all our guests for July, some of whom may linger a bit longer. We look forward to having you back.

Posted by Administrators on August 1, 2008 at 07:29 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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