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Sunday, August 31, 2008
A word of great gratitude is in order for our August crew of guest-bloggers: thanks much to Brooks Holland, Verity Winship, Lesley Wexler, Bruce Boyden, James Grimmelmann, Adam Kolber, Brian "Zoom" Galle, and Adil Haque. Some of them may be lingering around for a little while longer this coming month, but we also have some new folks to welcome to our conversation.
To that end, please welcome for the first time to Prawfs: Hadar Aviram (crim/Hastings) and Marc Blitz (OKCU/con law). Additionally, please welcome back Mark Fenster (Florida, property and cultural theory); Carissa Hessick (crim/Arizona State); and Jonah Gelbach (law and econ/UArizona B. School). There's an outside chance we'll have wonderblogger Birdthistle back too, depending on how the person-to-person defense is going. Welcome all!
Posted by Administrators on August 31, 2008 at 11:48 PM in Blogging | Permalink
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