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Monday, July 14, 2008

Mark Your Calendars: Prawfs! Happy Hours on July 24th and July 31

Greetings! If you're in NYC on Thursday, July 24th, I hope you'll come join a group of prawfs to raise a glass of good cheer at one of the seasonal Prawfs happy hours.  At least a dozen or so of us who are participating in Prawfsfest! at Hofstra will be there.  Please feel free to bring a "+1" or a colleague. We will announce a venue in the next few days but it will be in Manhattan, around 9ish. In the meantime, please mark your calendar and watch this space for more information. And if you think you're interested in attending and/or bringing an extra person, please shoot me an email so I can make sure that the venue is size-appropriate.

A week later on Thursday, July 31, Prawfs will also organize another such happy hour for those of you in Palm Beach attending the SEALS conference (or if you're in the neighborhood). As of now, the location will be the Stir Bar at the Ritz, at 9pm. Again, please let me know if you are interested in coming in case I need to make any adjustments for time and place. Yours in bivende, Dan.

Posted by Administrators on July 14, 2008 at 09:36 AM in Life of Law Schools | Permalink


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Scott, since we want law professors of all stripes to show up, I don't think we can plausibly limit the audience to just "thoughtful, intelligent" people :-) But since neither Prawfs nor Hofstra is paying for anyone's drinks that night, I much suspect that the more the merrier is the truly operative principle.

Posted by: Dan Markel | Jul 14, 2008 11:24:40 AM

Is this limited to thoughtful, intelligent people, or can the riff-raff show?

Posted by: shg | Jul 14, 2008 10:31:51 AM

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