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Monday, June 30, 2008
Rachlinski from Cornell to Cornell
A while back, Brian Leiter started noting faculty retentions in addition to his usual catalog of lateral moves. I think this was a very useful innovation, because simply taking note of successful lateral hires obscures our perception of faculty loyalty, where it exists. Of course, the data on retentions is a little harder to come by, so any such effort will necessarily be incomplete. For that reason, I thought I would use my last post for this go-round on Prawfs to note a faculty retention that didn't make it onto Brian's page. Jeff Rachlinski (Cornell) has turned down a lateral offer from the University of Chicago, opting instead to remain in the balmy (relative to Chicago) environs of the Fingerlakes. This is, obviously, a key retention for the Cornell faculty, where Jeff is a tremendously important and valued colleague.
Posted by Eduardo Penalver on June 30, 2008 at 09:31 AM | Permalink
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I have noted retentions for quite a long time, actually, in cases where I had been authorized to post the fact of the offer. The Bellias were an exception, and I soon decided it was a bad idea, partly for logistical reasons, partly because it implicates more privacy interests. On the other hand, when I've posted the fact of an offer (something I do more for philosophy than law, since the movement of individaul faculty matters more to the fortunes of a phD program typically), I do try to post the denouement, whatever it is.
As with moves, so to with retentions: their interpretation, and their underlying motivations, are often, shall we say, complex. The latter may reflect faculty loyalty, the former disatisfaction. Or they may not.
Posted by: Brian | Jun 30, 2008 12:35:38 PM
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