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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mais Oui: Law and Society 2008, Montreal

Ever the francophile, I am particularly excited about this year's LSA meeting, May 28 to June 1, Quebec, Canada. As the meeting is outside the United States (that happens often;  last year it was in Berlin), this will be a joint meeting, this time with the Canadian Law and Society Association.

Two meetings ago I posted Unsolicited Advice on How to Have a Successful LSA Experience (and other oversized conferences). I think the list of is still relevant but please add your thoughts and ideas.

In the past few years, we co-organized with concurring opinions a bloggers’ happy hour at these meetings, much like their AALS counterparts. This year, I haven’t heard of many from our blogging community who are attending the meeting (blame Canada?). I actually think that the Law and Society Association Annual Meetings are a must, at least once every few years, for anyone in the legal academy. I believe it is the largest interdisciplinary international annual meeting, bringing together people from law, economics, sociology, philosophy, psychology, polical sci, anthropology and also many other disciplines such as urban planning and architecture, design, information schools…

Alors, are our readers attending? shall we plan post-reception drinks?

One thing to point out is that as often with these huge conferences, alot of the action is in the conferences-within-the-conference. For example, my natural home these days is the Regulation and Governance Collaborative Research Network (organized by Cary Conglianese (Penn) and John Braithwaite (ANU). Cary puts together the R&G whole program planned for those days on the CRN website hosted by the Penn Institute on Regulation which he chairs.

Posted by Orly Lobel on May 20, 2008 at 10:34 PM in Life of Law Schools | Permalink


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So it seems that there is an emerging crowd that wants to party. we could meet for drinks at the hilton bar on friday night, say 9:30 after dinners? if Joe or Brian have better ideas - please step forward!

Posted by: lobel | May 21, 2008 9:36:22 PM

I am with the Legal Profession Blog and would like to be included, thanks.

Posted by: Alan Childress | May 21, 2008 9:07:42 PM

I'm up for drinks with the Prawfsblog crowd.

Posted by: Joseph Slater | May 21, 2008 1:38:19 PM

I'll be there, taking part in a session set up by Larry Solum on Dennis Patterson ad Ari Afilalo's interesting new book _The New Global Trading Order_. If a "friends of the blog" happy hour is set up please let me know. (Thanks also for the food suggestions, Dan.)

Posted by: matt Lister | May 21, 2008 11:55:37 AM

Zut alors, I won't be there this year since I'll be at Rutgers for the crim law and philosophy gathering. However, just this afternoon, Brian Galle and I were chatting about whether a happy hour was in the making for LSA. So, Brian and Orly, the two of you should conspire to create a Prawfs happy hour in my birthplace of Montreal.

To that end, let me just make a one thing manifestly clear for those of you attending: do nothing until after you've eaten several of Montreal's best smoked meat sandwiches (something like pastrami but infinitely yummier) at Schwartz' Deli with a Cott Black Cherry soda. For dessert, head over to the Fairmount Bagel Bakery and order a dozen fresh hot Montreal bagels, preferably a mix of sesame and poppy seed. They are the distinctive culinary virtues of a city with many things to offer. And if you have time, go visit the Orange Julip on Decarrie. Roadside food culture of the kind that gives Tucson a run for its money!

Last, if you're thinking of proposing to anyone special, try the romantic nooks of the old city of Montreal. Worked for me the first time!

Posted by: Dan Markel | May 20, 2008 10:46:42 PM

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